Eldor Paul

Graphic of Soil Microbiology.
Image of Soil Microbiology, ecology and biochemistry book cover.
Graphic of soil cycles.
Graphic of different soil make-ups.
Image of important dates for Winogradsky Beijerinck.



2010 - Present

Morris, S.J., R. Conant, N. Mellor, E. Brewer and E.A. Paul.  2010.  Controls on soil carbon sequestration and dynamics: Lessons from land-use change.  Journal of  Nematology 42(1):78-83.  PDF

Plante A.F., R.T. Conant, J. Carlson, R. Greenwood, J.M. Shulman, M.L. Haddix, and E.A. Paul. 2010. Decomposition temperature sensitivity of isolated soil organic matter fractions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42(11):1991-1996.  PDF

Calderón,F.J., J.B. Reeves, H. P. Collins, and E.A. Paul. 2011.Chemical differences in soil organic matter fractions determined by diffuse-reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(2):568-579.  PDF pages 568-574PDF pages 575-579

Conant, R., S.M. Ogle, E.A. Paul and K. Paustian. 2011. Measuring and monitoring soil organic carbon stocks for climate mitigation. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 9(3):169-173.  PDF

Haddix, M.L., A.F. Plante, R.T. Conant, J. Six, J.M. Steinweg, K. Magrini-Bair, R.A. Drijber, S.J. Morris, and E.A. Paul. 2011. The role of soil characteristics on temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(1):56-68.  PDF

Paul, E.A., R F. Follett, M. Haddix, and E. Pruessner. 2011. Soil dynamics related to soil C and microbial changes during long-term incubation. Soil Science 176(10):527-536.  PDF

Calderón, F.J., D. Schultz and E.A. Paul. 2012. Carbon allocation, belowground transfers and lipid turnover in a plant-microbial association. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76(5):1614-1623.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and P. Nannipieri. 2012. Soil biology in its second golden age. Hand Book of Soil Science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Pp. IV-1 to IV-4.

Wallenstein, M.D., M.L. Haddix, D.D. Lee, R.T. Conant, and E.A. Paul. 2012. Litter-slurry elucidates the key role of enzyme production and microbial dynamics in temperature sensitivity of organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 47:18-26.  PDF

Cotrufu, F., M. Wallenstein, C. Boot, K. Denef, and E.A. Paul. 2013. The molecular efficiency-matrix stabilization (MEMS) framework integrates plant litter decomposition with soil organic matter stabilization. Do labile plant inputs form stable soil organic matter? Global Change Biology 19:988-995.  PDF

Hurrisso, T.T., J.G. Davis, J.E. Brummer, M.E. Stromberger, M.M. Mikha, M.L. Haddix, M.R. Boohers, and E.A. Paul. 2013. Rapid changes in microbial biomass and aggregate size distribution in response to changes in organic matter management in grass pasture.  Geoderma 193-194:68-75.  PDF

Li, D., C. Schädel, M.L. Haddix, E.A. Paul, R. Conant, J. Li, J. Zhou, and Y. Luo. 2013. Differential responses of soil organic carbon fractions to warming: results from an analysis with data assimilation.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry  67:24-30.  PDF

Mellor, N.J., J. Hellerich, R. Drijber, M. Stromberg, S.J. Morris, and E.A. Paul. 2013. Changes in ecosystem carbon following afforestation of native sand prairie.  Soil Science Society of  America Journal 77(5):1613-1624.  PDF

Pisani, O., K.M. Hills, D. Courtier-Murias, A.J. Simpson, N.J. Mellor, E.A. Paul, S.J. Morris, and M.J. Simpson. 2013. Molecular level analysis of long term vegetative shifts and relationships to soil organic matter composition.  Organic Geohemistry 62:7-16.   PDF

Steinweg, J.M., J.S. Dukes, E.A. Paul and M.D. Wallenstein. 2013. Microbial responses to multi-factor climate change: effects on soil enzymes. Frontiers in Microbiology 4(146):1-11.  PDF

Wallenstein, M.D., M.L. Haddix, E. Ayres, H. Steltzer, K.A. Magrini-Bair, and E.A. Paul. 2013.  Litter chemistry changes more rapidly when decomped at home but converges during decomposition-transformation.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 57:311-319.  PDF

Hinckley, E.S., W. Wieder, N. Fierer, and E.A. Paul. 2014. Digging into the world beneath our feet: bridging across scales in the age of global change.  EOS 95(11):95-97.  PDF

Li, D., C Schädel, M.L. Haddix, E A. Paul, R. Conant, J. Li, J. Zhou, and Y. Luo. 2014. Differential responses of soil organic carbon fractions to warming: results from an analysis with data assimilation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 67:28-36. PDF

Pisani, O., K.M. Hills, D. Courier-Murias, M.L. Haddix, E.A. Paul, R.T. Conant, A.J. Simpson, G.B. Arhonditsis and M.J. Simpson. 2014.  Accumulation of aliphatic compounds in soil with increasing mean annual temperature.  Organic Geochemistry 76:118-127.  PDF

Birge, H.E., R.T. Conant, R.F. Follett, M.L. Haddix, S.J. Morris, S.S. Snapp, M.D. Wallenstein, and E.A. Paul. 2015.  Roil respiration is not limited by reductions in microbial biomass during long-term soil incubations.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81:304-310.  PDF

Paul, E.A. (ed.) 2015. Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Academic Press. San Diego.

Paul, E.A. 2015. Soil microbiology, ecology and biochemistry in perspective. In: Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry. E.A. Paul (ed.). Academic Press, pp. 1-24.  PDF

Paul, E.A., S. Kravchenko, S. Grandy and S. Morris. 2015. Soil organic matter dynamics: Controls and management for sustainable ecosystem functioning. In: S.K. Hamilton, J.E. Doll, and G.P. Robertson, (ed.). The ecology of agricultural landscapes: long-term research on the path to sustainability. Oxford University Press, NY, NY, USA. Pp. 104-134.  PDF

Haddix, M.L., K. Magrini-Bair, R.J. Evans, R.T. Conant, M.D. Wallenstein, S.J. Morris, F. Calderon, and E.A. Paul.  2016.  Progressing towards more quantitative analytical pyrolysis of soil organic matter using molecular beam mass spectroscopy of whole soils and added standards. Geoderma 283:88-100.   PDF

Haddix. M.L., E.A. Paul and M.F. Cotrufo. 2016. Dual, differential isotope labeling shows the preferential movement of labile plant constituents into mineral-bonded soil organic matter. Global Change Biology 22:2301-2312.  PDF

Hinkley, E.S., G.B. Bonan, G.J. Bowen, B.P. Colman, P.A. Duffy, C.L. Goodale, B.Z. Houlton, E. Marin-Spiotta, K. Ogle, S.V. Ollinger, E.A. Paul, P.M. Vitousek, K.C. Weathers and D.G. Williams. 2016. The soil and plant biogeochemistry sampling design for the National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere 7(3): Article e01234.  PDF

Paul, E.A. 2016. Review Paper: The nature and dynamics of soil organic matter: plant inputs, mircrobial transformations, and organic matter stabilization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 98:109-126.   PDF

Pisani, O., M.L. Haddix, R.T. Conant, E.A. Paul, and M.J. Simpson. 2016. Molecular composition of soil organic matter with land-use change along a bi-continental mean annual temperature gradient. Science of the Total Environment  573:470-480.   PDF

2000 - 2009

Collins, H.P., E.T. Elliott, K. Paustian, L.C. Bundy, W.A. Dick, D.R. Huggins, A.J.M. Smucker, and E.A. Paul. 2000. Soil carbon pools and fluxes in long-term corn belt agroecosystems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 32(2):157-168.   PDF

Haile-Mariam, S., W. Cheng, D.W. Johnson, J.T. Ball, and E.A. Paul. 2000. Use of carbon-13 and carbon-14 to measure the effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen fertilization on carbon dynamics in ponderosa pine. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(6):1984-1993.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 2000. Soil microbiology and biochemistry: directions and challenges for the future. In: Soil Fertility, Soil Biology and Plant Nutrient Interrelationship. J.O. Siqueira, F.M.S. Moreira, A.S. Lopes, L.R.G. Guilherme, V. Faquin, A.E. Furtini Neto and J.G. Carvalho (eds.). Society Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Lavras-MG, Brazil pp. 25-49.

Paul, E.A. 2000. Soil Biology and biochemistry In: Handbook of Soil Science. M. Sumner (ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. C1-C10.   PDF

Phillips, C.J., D. Harris, S.L. Dollhopf, K.L. Gross, J.I. Prosser, and E.A. Paul. 2000. Effects of agronomic treatments on the structure and function of ammonia-oxidizing communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66(12):5410-5418.    PDF

Phillips, C.J., E.A. Paul, and J.I. Prosser. 2000. Quantitative analysis of ammonia oxidising bacteria using competitive PCR. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 32(2):167-175.   PDF

Robertson, G.P. and E. A. Paul. 2000. Decomposition and soil organic matter dynamics. In: Methods in Ecosystem Science. O. E. Sala, R.B. Jackson, H.A. Mooney, and R. Horwarth (eds.). Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y. pp. 104-116.   PDF

Robertson, G.P., E.A. Paul, and R.R. Harwood. 2000. Greenhouse gases in intensive agriculture: Contributions of individual gases to the radiative forcing of the atmosphere. Science 289(5486):1922-1925.  PDF

Stoyan, H., H. De-Polli, S. Böhm, G.P. Robertson, and E.A. Paul. 2000. Spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration and related properties at the plant scale. Plant and Soil 222(1-2)19:1-12.  PDF

Kosola, K.R., D.I. Dickmann, E.A. Paul, and D. Parry.  2001.  Repeated insect defoliation effects on growth, nitrogen acquisition, carbohydrates, and root demography of poplars.  Oecologia 129(1):65-74.   PDF

Leavitt, S.W., E. Pendall, E.A. Paul, T. Brooks, B.A. Kimball, P.J. Pinter, H.B. Johnson, A. Matthias, G.W. Wall, and R.L. LaMorte.  2001.  Stable-carbon isotopes and soil organic carbon in wheat under CO2 enrichment.  New Phytologist 150(2):305-314.   PDF

Paul, E.A., H.P. Collins, and S.W. Leavitt. 2001. Dynamics of resistant soil carbon of Midwestern agricultural soils measured by naturally occurring C-14 abundance. Geoderma 104(3-4):239-256   PDF

Paul, E.A., S.J. Morris, and S. Böhm. 2001. The determination of soil C pool sizes and turnover rates: Biophysical fractionation and tracers. In: Assessment Methods for Soil C Pools. R. Lal, J.M. Kimble, R.F. Follett, and B.A. Stewart (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 193-206.   PDF

Willson, T.C., E.A. Paul, and R. R. Harwood. 2001. Biologically active soil organic matter fractions in sustainable cropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology 16(1):63-76.  PDF

Hanson, E.J., P.A. Throop, S. Serce, J. Ravenscroft, and E. Paul. 2002. Comparison of nitrification rates in blueberry and forest soils. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127(1):136-142.   PDF

Morris, S.J. and E.A. Paul. 2002. Forest ecology and soil organic matter. In: J. Kimble, R. Birdsey, R. Lal, R. Follett and J. Heath (eds.). The potential of US forest soil to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect. CRC Press Boca Rotan Fl. pp 109-126.   PDF

Reilly, J., F. Tubiello, B. McCarl, D. Abler, R. Darwin, K. Fuglie, S. Hollinger, C. Izuaralde, S.Jagtad, J. Jones, L. Mearns, D. Ojima, E. Paul, K. Paustian, S. Rihas, and N. Rosenberg. 2002. U.S. Agriculture and climate change. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge UK.

Sanchez, J.E., E.A. Paul, T.C. Willson, J. Smeenk, and R.R. Harwood. 2002. Corn root effects on the nitrogen-supplying capacity of a conditioned soil. Agronomy Journal 94(3): 391-396.   PDF

Six, J., P. S. Callewaert,. S. Lenders, S De Gryze, S.J. Morris, E.G. Gregorich, E.A. Paul, and K. Paustian. 2002. Measuring and understanding carbon storage in afforested soils by physical fractionation. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66(6).1981-1987.  PDF

Six. J., R.T. Conant, E.A. Paul, and K. Paustian. 2002. Stabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter: Implications for C-saturation of soils. Plant and Soil 241(2):155-176.   PDF

Blackwood, C.B. and E.A. Paul. 2003. Eubacterial community structure and population size within the soil light fraction, rhizosphere, and heavy fraction of several agricultural systems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35(9):1245-1255.   PDF

Blackwood, C.B., T. Marsh, S.H. Kim, and E.A. Paul. 2003. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism data analysis for quantitative comparison of microbial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69(2):926-932.   PDF

Di Costy, R.J. D.P. Welicky, S.J. Anderson, and E.A. Paul. 2003. N-15-CPMAS nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and biological stability of soil organic matter in whole soil and particle-size fractions. Organic Geochemistry 34(12):1635-1650.   PDF

Fortuna, A., R.R. Harwood, K. Kizilkaya, and E.A.Paul. 2003. Optimizing nutrient availability and potential carbon sequestration. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35(8):1005-1013.   PDF

Fortuna, A., R.R. Harwood, and E.A. Paul. 2003. The effects of compost and crop rotations on carbon turnover and the particulate organic matter fraction. Soil Science 168(6):434-444.   PDF

Fortuna A., R.R. Harwood, G.P. Robertson, J.W. Fisk, and E.A. Paul. 2003. Seasonal changes in nitrification potential associated with application of N fertilizer and compost in maize systems of southwest Michigan. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 97(1-3):285-293.   PDF

Paul, E.A, S.J. Morris, J. Six, K. Paustian, and E.G. Gregorich. 2003. Interpretation of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in agricultural and afforested soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67(5):1620-1628.   PDF

Rillig, M.C., P.W. Ramsey, S.J. Morris, and E A. Paul. 2003. Glomulin, an arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungal soil protein, responds to land-use change. Plant and Soil 253(2):293-299.  PDF

De Gryze, S., J. Six, K. Paustian, S.J. Morris, E.A. Paul, and R. Merckx. 2004. Soil organic carbon pool changes following land-use conversions. Global Change Biology 10(7):1120-1132.   PDF

Kosola, K. R., D.M. Durall, G. P. Robertson, D.I. Dickman, D. Parry, CA. Russell, and E.A. Paul. 2004. Resilience of mycorrhyzal fungi on defoliated and fertilized hybrid poplar. Canadian Journal of Botany – Revue Canadienne de Botanique 82(5): 671–680.   PDF

Lavelle, D.E. Bignell, M.C. Austen, V.K. Brown, V. Behan-Pelletier, J.R. Garey. P.S. Giller, S.J. Hawkins, G.G. Brown, M. St. John, H.W. Hunt, and E.A. Paul. 2004. Connecting soil and sediment biodiversity: The role of scale and implications for management. In: Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soils and Sediments. D.H. Wall (ed.) Island Press Washington, pp. 193-224.  PDF

Paul, E.A., H.P. Collins, K. Paustian, E.T. Elliott, S. Frey, N. Juma, H. Janzen, C.A. Campbell, R.P. Zentner, G.P. Lafond, and A.P. Moulin. 2004. Management effects on the dynamics and storage rates of organic matter in long-term rotations. Canadian Journal of  Soil Science 84(1):49-61.   PDF

Russell, C.A., K.R. Kosola, E.A. Paul, and G.P. Robertson. 2004. Nitrogen cycling in poplar stands defoliated by insects. Biogeochemistry 68(3): 365-381.   PDF

Sanchez, J.E., R.R. Harwood, T.C. Willson, K. Kizilkaya, J. Smeenk, E. Parker, E.A. Paul, B.D. Knezek, and G.P. Robertson. 2004. Managing soil carbon and nitrogen for productivity and environmental quality. Agronomy Journal 96(3):769-775.   PDF

van der Putten, W.H., J.M. Anderson, R.D. Bardgett, V.B. Behan-Pelletier, D.E. Bignell, G.G. Brown, V.K. Brown, L. Brussaard, H.W. Hunt, P. Ineson, T.H. Jones, P. Lavelle, E.A. Paul, M.S. John, D.A. Wardle, T. Wojtowicz, and D.H. Wall. 2004. The sustainable delivery of goods and services provided by soil biota. In: Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soils and Sediments. D.H. Wall (ed.) Island Press Washington. pp. 15-43.   PDF

Wardle, D.A. V.K. Brown, V. Behan-Pelletier, M.S. John, T. Woijtowicz, R.D. Bargett, G.G. Brown, P. Ineson, P. Lavelle, W.H. van der Putten, J.H. Anderson, L. Brussard, H.W. Hunt, E.A. Paul, and D.H. Wall. 2004. Vulnerability to global change of ecosystem goods and services driven by soil biota. In: Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Soils and Sediments. D.H. Wall (ed.), Island Press Washington. pp. 101-135.   PDF

Wall, D.H., A.H. Fritter, and E.A. Paul. 2005. Developing new perspectives from advances in soil biodiversity research. In: Biological diversity and functioning in soils. R.D. Bardgett, M.B. Usher and D.W. Hopkins (ed.) Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, UK. pp 3-27.   PDF

Blackwood, C.B., C.J. Dell, A.J.M. Smucker, and E. A. Paul. 2006. Eubacterial communities in different soil microaggregate environments and cropping systems. Soil Bioliogy & Biochemistry 38(4):720-728.   PDF

Paul, E.A., S.J. Morris, R.T. Conant, and A.F. Plante. 2006. Does the hydrolysis-incubation method measure meaningful soil carbon pools? Soil Science Society of America Journal 70(3):1023-1035.   PDF

Paustian, K., J.M. Antle, J. Sheehan, and E.A. Paul. 2006. Agriculture’s role in greenhouse gas emissions. Pew Center on Global Climate Change Arlington, VA.120 pp.  PDF

Plante, A.F., R.T. Conant, E.A. Paul, K. Paustian, and J. Six. 2006. Acid hydrolysis of easily dispersed and microaggregate-derived silt- and clay-sized fraction to isolate resistant organic matter. European Journal of Soil Science 57(4):456-467.   PDF

Follett, R.F., E.A. Paul, and E.G. Pruessner. 2007. Soil carbon dynamics during a long-term incubation study involving 13C and 14C measurements.. Soil Science 172(3):189-208.  PDF

Morris, S.J., S. Bohm, S, Haile-Mariam, and E.A. Paul. 2007. Evaluation of carbon accrual in afforested agricultural soil. Global Change Biology 13(6):1145-1156.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 2007. Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry. 3rd edition. E.A. Paul (ed.) Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 532 pp.

Paul, E.A. 2007. Soil microbiology, ecology and biochemistry in perspective. In: Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry. 3rd edition. E.A. Paul (ed.) Academic Press, San Diego, CA. pp 3-24.   PDF

Andren, O., H. Kirchmann, T. Katterer, J. Magid, E.A. Paul, and D.C. Coleman. 2008. Visions of a more precise soil biology. European Journal of  Soil Science 59(2):380-390.   PDF

Conant, R.T., R A. Drijber, M L. Haddix, W.J. Parton, E A. Paul, A.F. Plante, J. Six, and J.M. Steinweg. 2008. Sensitivity of organic matter decomposition to warming varies with its quality. Global Change Biology 14(4):868–877.   PDF

Conant. R.T., J.M. Steinweg, M.L. Haddix, E.A. Paul, A.F. Plante, and J. Six. 2008. Experimental warming shows that decomposition temperature sensitivity increases with soil organic matter recalcitrance. Ecology 89(9):2384-2391.   PDF

Haile -Mariam, S., H.P. Collins, S.E. Wright, and E.A. Paul. 2008. Fractionation and long-term incubation to measure soil organic matter dynamics. Soil Science Society of  America Journal 72(2):370-378.   PDF

Paul, E.A., K. Magrini, R. Conant, R.F. Follett, and S.J. Morris. 2008. Biological and molecular structure analysis of the controls on soil organic matter dynamics. International Humic Substance Society, Proceedings 14. I.V Permanova and N.A. Kulikova (eds) Lomomosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. pp. 167-170.   PDF

Steinweg, J.M., A.F. Plante, R.T. Conant, E.A. Paul, and D.L. Tanaka. 2008. Patterns of substrate utilization during long-term incubations at different temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40(11):2722-2728.   PDF

Fierer, N., A.S. Grandy, J. Six, and E.A. Paul. 2009. Searching for unifying principles in soil ecology. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41(11):2249-2256.   PDF

Nannipieri, P. and E. Paul  2009. The chemical and functional characteristics of soil organic N and its biotic components. Soil Biology & Biochem. 41(12):2357-2369.   PDF

Plante, A.F., K. Magrini-Bair, M. Vigil, and E.A. Paul. 2009. Pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry to characterize soil organic matter composition in chemically isolated fractions from different land uses. Biogeochemistry 92(1-2):145-161.    PDF

Plante, A.F., J. Six, E.A. Paul, and R.T. Conant. 2009. Does physical protection of soil organic matter attenuate temperature sensitivity? Soil Science Society of  America Journal 73(4):1168-1172.   PDF

1990 - 1999

Smith, J.L. and E.A. Paul. 1990. The significance of soil microbial biomass estimations. Soil Biochemistry, Vol 6. J. Bollag and G. Stotzky, (eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York & Basel. pp. 357-396.   PDF

Harris, D. and E.A. Paul. 1991. Techniques for examining carbon relationships of plant-microbial symbioses. In: Carbon Isotope Techniques. D. Coleman and B. Fry, (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, CA. pp. 39-52.   PDF

Barnwell, T.O., R.B. Jackson, E.T. Elliott, I.C. Burke, C.V. Cole, K. Paustian, E.A. Paul, A.S. Donigian, A.S. Patwardhan, A. Rowell, and K. Weinrich. 1992. An approach to assessment of management impacts on agricultural soil carbon. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 64(1-2):423-435.   PDF

Hart, S.C., M.K. Firestone, and E.A. Paul. 1992. Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of ponderosa pine needles in a Mediterranean-type climate. Canadian Journal of  Forest Research – Revue Canadienne de Resherche Forestiere 22(3):306-314.   PDF

Horwath, W. R., E. A. Paul and K. S. Pregitzer. 1992 . Injection of Nitrogen-15  into trees to study nitrogen cycling in soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56(1):316-319.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1992. Organic matter decomposition. In: Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Vol 3. J. Lederburg, (ed.). Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 289-304.   PDF

Hart, S.C., M.K. Firestone, E.A. Paul, and J.L. Smith. 1993. Flow and fate of soil -nitrogen in an annual grassland and a young mixed-conifer forest. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 25(4):431-442.   PDF

Elliott, E.T., I.C. Burke, C.A. Monz, S.D. Frey, K.H. Paustian, H.P. Collins, E.A. Paul, C.V. Cole,  R.L. Blevins, W.W. Frye, D.J. Lyon,  A.D. Halvorson, D.R. Huggins, R.F. Turco, and M.V. Hickman. 1994. Terrestrial carbon pools – preliminary data from the Corn-Belt and Great Plains regions. J.W. Doran, D.C. Coleman, D.F. Bezdicek, and B.A. Stewart, (eds.). Defining Soil Quality for a Sustainable Environment, Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 35:179-191.  PDF

Harris, D. and E.A. Paul. 1994. Measurement of bacterial growth rates in soil. Applied Soil Ecology 1(4):277-290.   PDF

Harris, G.H., O.B. Hesterman, E.A. Paul, S.E. Peters, and R.R. Janke. 1994. Fate of legume and fertilizer Nitrogen-15 in a long-term cropping systems experiment. Agronomy Journal 86(5):910-915.   PDF

Horwath, W.R. and E.A. Paul. 1994. Microbial biomass. In: Biochemical and Microbiological Properties of Soil. R.W. Weaver, S. Angle and P. Bottomley (eds.). Methods of soil analyses, Part 2. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI. pp. 753-773.   PDF

Horwath, W.R., K.S. Pregitzer, and E.A. Paul. 1994. C-14 allocation in tree soil systems. Tree Physiology 14(10):1163-1176.   PDF

Leavitt, S.W., E.A. Paul, B.A. Kimball, G.R. Hendrey, J.R. Mauney, R. Rauschkolb, H. Rogers, Jr., K.F. Lewin, J. Nagy, P.J. Pinter, Jr., and H.G. Johnson. 1994. Carbon-isotope dynamics of free-air CO2-enriched cotton and soils. Agricultural and Forest Metereology 70(1-4):87-101.   PDF

Paul, E.A., W.R. Horwath, D. Harris, R. Follett, S.W. Leavitt, B.A. Kimball, and K. Pregitzer. 1995. Establishing the pool sizes and fluxes in CO2 emissions from soil organic matter turnover. In: Advances in Soil Science of Soils and Global Change. R. Lal, J. Kimble, E. Levine, and B. Stewart, (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 297-305.  PDF

Paustian, K., E.T. Elliott, H.P. Collins, C.V. Cole, and E.A. Paul.  1995.  Use of a network of long-term experiments for analysis of soil carbon dynamics and global change: the North American model.  Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 35(7):929-939.  PDF

Horwath, W.R., E.A. Paul, D. Harris, J. Norton, L. Jagger, and K.A. Horton. 1996. Defining a realistic control for the chloroform fumigation-incubation method using microscopic counting and C-14-substrates. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 76(4):459-467.   PDF

Leavitt, S.W., R.F. Follett, and E.A. Paul. 1996 . Estimation of slow- and fast-cycling soil organic carbon pools from 6N HCI hydrolysis. Radiocarbon 38(2):231-239.   PDF

Leavitt, S.W., E.A. Paul, A. Galadima, F.S. Nakayama, S.R. Danzer, H. Johnson, and B.A. Kimball.  1996.  Carbon isotopes and carbon turnover in cotton and wheat FACE experiments. Plant and Soil 187(2):147-155.   PDF

Miltner, E.D., B. E. Branham, E.A. Paul, and P.E. Rieke. 1996. Leaching and mass balance of N-15-labeled urea applied to a Kentucky bluegrass turf. Crop Science 36(6):1427-1433.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and F.E. Clark. 1996. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. 2nd edition. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA. 340 pp.

Thorn, R.G., C.A. Reddy, D. Harris, and E.A. Paul. 1996. Isolation of saprophytic basidiomycetes from soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62(11):4288-4292.   PDF

Collins, H.P., E.A. Paul and E.T. Elliott. 1997. Functional characterization of soil organic matter. In: Soil organic matter in temperate agroecosystems: long-term experiments in North America. E.A. Paul, K. Paustian, E.T. Elliott and C.V. Cole, (eds.). CRC Lewis Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, FL. pp. 51-72.   PDF

Follett, R.F., E.A. Paul, S.W. Leavitt, A.D. Halvorson, D. Lyon, and G.A. Peterson. 1997. Carbon isotope ratios of Great Plains soils in wheat-fallow systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61(4):1068-1077.   PDF

Harris, D., L.K. Porter and E.A. Paul. 1997. Continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry of carbon dioxide trapped as strontium carbonate. Communications in Soil Science and  Plant Analysis 28(9-10):747-757.   PDF

Harris, D., R.P. Voroney, and E.A. Paul. 1998. Measurement of microbial biomass N:C ratio by chloroform fumigation-incubation. Canadian Journal of  Soil Science 77(4):507-514.   PDF

Leavitt, S.W., E.A. Paul, E. Pendall, P.J. Pinter, Jr., and B.A. Kimball. 1997. Field variability of carbon isotopes in soil organic carbon. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 123:451-454.   PDF

Paul, E.A., R.F. Follett, S.W. Leavitt, A. Halvorson, G.A. Peterson, and D.J. Lyon. 1997. Radiocarbon dating for determination of soil organic matter pool sizes and dynamics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61(4):1058-1067.   PDF

Paul, E.A., K.L. Paustian, E.T. Elliott and C.V. Cole (eds.). 1997. Soil organic matter in temperate agroecosystems: long-term experiments in North America. CRC Lewis Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, FL. 414 pp plus disk.

Paustian, K., H.P. Collins, and E.A. Paul. 1997. Management controls on soil carbon. In: Soil organic matter in temperate agroecosystems: long-term experiments in North America. E.A. Paul, K. Paustian, E.T. Elliott, and C.V. Cole (eds.). CRC Lewis Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, FL. pp. 15-49.   PDF pgs15-30,  PDF pgs31-49

Robertson, G.P., K.M. Klingensmith, M.J. Klug, E.A. Paul, J.R. Crum, and B.G. Ellis. 1997. Soil resources, microbial activity, and primary production across an agricultural ecosystem. Ecological Applications 7(1):158-170.   PDF

Bruns, M.A., M.A. Fries, J.M. Tiedje, and E.A. Paul. 1998. Functional gene hybridization patterns of terrestrial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Microbial Ecology 36(3):293-302.   PDF

Paul , E.A. 1998. Analytical determination of soil C dynamics. International Congress of Soil Science.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and H.P. Collins. 1998. The characteristics of soil organic matter relative to nutrient cycling. In: Methods for Assessment of Soil Degradation. R. Lal, W.H. Blum, and C.Valentine, (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 181-197.   PDF

Princic, A., I. Mahne, F. Megusar, E.A. Paul, and J.M. Tiedje. 1998. Effects of pH and oxygen and ammonium concentrations on the community structure of nitrifying bacteria from wastewater. Applied and  Environmental Microbiology 64(10):3584-3590.   PDF

Robertson, G.P. and E.A. Paul. 1998. Ecological research in agricultural ecosystems: contributions to ecosystem science and to the management of agronomic resources. In: Successes, Limitations and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science. P.M. Groffman and M.L. Pace, (eds.). Cary Conference VII, Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y. pp. 142-164.   PDF

Smucker , A.J.M., D. Santos, Y. Kavdir, and E.A. Paul. 1998. Concentric gradients within stable soil aggregates. In ‘Proceeding of the 16th World Congress of Soil Science’. International Congress of Soil Science Trans. 20-26 August 1998, Montpellier, France.  PDF

Bruns, M.A., J.R. Stephens, G.A. Kowalchuk, J.I. Prosser, and E.A. Paul. 1999. Comparative diversity of ammonia oxidizer 16S rRNA gene sequences in native, tilled, and successional soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65(7):2994-3000.   PDF

Collins, H.P., R.L. Blevins, L.G. Bundy, D.R. Christenson, W.A. Dick, D.R. Huggins, and E.A. Paul. 1999. Soil carbon dynamics in corn-based agroecosystems: Results from carbon-13 natural abundance. Soil Science Society of  America Journal 63(3): 584-591.   PDF

Paul, E.A., D. Harris, H.P. Collins, U. Schulthess, and G.P. Robertson. 1999. Evolution of CO2 and soil carbon dynamics in biologically managed, row-crop agroecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology 11(1):53-65.   PDF

Paul, E.A., D. Harris, M.J. Klug, and R.W. Ruess. 1999. The determination of microbial biomass. In: Standard soil methods for long-term ecological research. G.P. Robertson, C.S. Bledsoe, D.C. Coleman, and P. Sollins (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 291-316.  PDF

Sollins, P., C. Glassman, E.A. Paul, C. Swanston, K. Lajtha, J. Heil, and E.T. Elliott. 1999. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools and fractions. In: Standard Soil Methods for Long-Term Ecological Research. G.P. Robertson, C.S. Bledsoe, D.C. Coleman, and P. Sollins, (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, NY. pp. 89-105.   PDF

1980 - 1989

Coleman, D.C., A.I. Breymeyer, M.C. Dash, Y. Dommergues, H.W. Hunt, E.A. Paul, A. Sasson, R. Schaefer, B. Ulehlova, and R.I. Zlotin. 1980. Decomposed subsystem. In: Grasslands, System Analysis and Man. A.I. Breymeyer and C.M. van Dyne (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Pang, P.C. and E.A. Paul. 1980. Effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza on 14C and 15N distribution in nodulated fababeans. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 60(2):241-250.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and P.M. Huang. 1980. Chemical aspects of soils. In: Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Vol. 1. O. Hutzinger (ed.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 69-86.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and R.P. Voroney. 1980. Nutrient and energy flows through soil microbial biomass. In: Contemporary Microbial Ecology. R.D. Ellwood, N. Hedger, M.J. Lynch and J.H. Slater (eds.). Academic Press, New York. pp. 215-237.   PDF

Chauhan, B.S., J.W.B. Stewart, and E.A. Paul. 1981. Effect of labile inorganic-phosphate status and organic-carbon additions on the microbial uptake of phosphorus in soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 61(2):373-384.  PDF

Juma, N.G. and E.A. Paul. 1981. Use of tracers and computer simulation techniques to assess mineralization and immobilization of soil nitrogen. In: Simulation of Nitrogen Behavior in Soil-Plant Systems. M.J. Frissel and J.A. van Veen (eds.). PUDOC, The Netherlands. pp. 145-154.

Paul, E.A. and N.G. Juma. 1981. Mineralization and immobilization of soil nitrogen by microorganisms. In: Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles. F.E. Clark and T. Rosswall (eds.). Ecol. Bull. (Stockholm) 33:179-204.

Paul, E.A. and R.M.N. Kucey. 1981. Carbon flow in plant microbial associations. Science 213(4506):473-474.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and J.N. Ladd. 1981. Soil Biochemistry. Vol. 5. Marcel Dekker, New York. 480 pp.

van Veen, J.A. and E.A. Paul. 1981. Organic-carbon dynamics in grassland soils. 1. Background information and computer simulation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 61(2):185-201.   PDF

Voroney, R.P., J.A. van Veen, and E.A. Paul. 1981. Organic carbon dynamics in grassland soils. 2. Model validation and simulation of the long-term effects of cultivation and rainfall erosion. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 61(2):211-224.   PDF

Aulakh, M.S., D.A. Rennie, and E.A. Paul. 1982. Gaseous nitrogen losses from cropped and summer fallowed soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 62(1):187-196.   PDF

Kucey, R.M.N. and E.A. Paul. 1982. Biomass of mycorrhizal fungi associated with bean roots. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 14(4):413-415.   PDF

Kucey, R.M.N. and E.A. Paul. 1982. Carbon flow, photosynthesis and N2 fixation in mycorrhizal and nodulated faba beans, Vicia faba. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 14(4):407-412.  PDF

Parkinson, D. and E.A. Paul. 1982. Microbial biomass. American Society of Agronomy Monograph 9, Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2 – Chemical and Microbiological Properties, 2nd edition (A. L. Page, ed.) American Society of Agronomy, Madison.

Paul, E.A. and E.E. Harding. 1982. Research directions in nitrogen cycling and plant microbial interactions. In: Whither Soil Research, Panel Discussion Papers at the 12th International Congress of Soil Science, New Delhi, India, pp. 167-177.

Schmidt, E.L. and E.A. Paul. 1982. Microscopic methods for soil microorganisms. American Society of Agronomy Monograph 9, Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2 – Chemical and Microbiological Properties, 2nd edition (A. L. Page, ed.) American Society of Agronomy, Madison.

Aulakh, M.S., D.A. Rennie, and E.A. Paul. 1983. Field studies on gaseous nitrogen losses from soils under continuous wheat versus a wheat-fallow rotation. Plant and Soil 75(1):15-127.   PDF

Aulakh, M.S., D.A. Rennie and E.A. Paul. 1983. The effect of various clover management-practices on gaseous N losses and mineral N accumulation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 63(3):593-605.   PDF

Campbell, M.S., W.B. McGill, and E.A. Paul. 1983. Cropping practices on the Canadian prairies and their effect on soil organic matter and nitrogen fertility: past, present and future trends. Proc. FAO/IAEA Division of Isotope and Radiation. Vienna, May 16-20.

Hardy, R.W.F., M.R. Lamborg, and E.A. Paul. 1983. Microbial effects in CO2 and plants. The response of plant to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. E.R. Lemon, Ed. AAAS Selected Symposium 84:131-176.

Juma, N.G. and E.A. Paul. 1983. Effect of nitrification inhibitor on N immobilization and release of immobilized 15N from nonexchangeable ammonium and microbial biomass. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 63(2):167-175.   PDF

Kucey, R.M.N. and E.A. Paul. 1983. Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal spore populations in various Saskatchewan soils and the effect on inoculation with Glomus mossae on faba bean growth in greenhouse and field trials. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 63(1):87-95.   PDF

Anderson, D. and E.A. Paul. 1984. Organio-mineral complexes and their study by radiocarbon dating. Soil Science Society of  America Journal 48(2):298-301.  PDF

Aulakh, M.S., D.A. Rennie, and E.A. Paul. 1984. Gaseous nitrogen losses from soils under zero-till as compared to conventional-till management systems. Journal of Environmental Quality 13(1):130-136.   PDF

Aulakh, M.S., D.A. Rennie and E.A. Paul. 1984. The influence of plant residues on denitrification rates in conentional and zero tilled soils. Soil Science Society of  America Journal 48(4):790-793.   PDF

Aulakh, M.S., D.A. Rennie, and E.A. Paul. 1984. Acetylene and N-serve effects upon N2O emissions from NH4+ and NO3– treated soils under aerobic and anaerobic incubations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 16(4):351-356.   PDF

Juma, N.G., E.A. Paul, and B. Mary. 1984. Kinetic analysis of soil nitrogen mineralization in soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 48(4):753-757.   PDF

Juma, N.G. and E.A. Paul. 1984. Mineralizable soil nitrogen: Amounts and extractability ratios. Soil Science Society of America Journal 48(1):76-80.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1984. Dynamics of soil organic matter in soils. Plant and Soil 76(1-3):275-285.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and R.P. Voroney. 1984. Field interpretation of microbial biomass and activity measurements. In: Current Perspectives in Microbial Ecology. M. J. Klug and C. A. Reddy, (eds.). ASM. Washington. pp. 509-514.  PDF

Voroney, R.P. and E.A. Paul. 1984. Determintaiton of kc and kin situ for calibration of the chloroform fumigation-incubation method. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 16(1):9-14.   PDF

Harris, D., R.S. Pacovsky, and E.A. Paul. 1985. Carbon economy of soybean rhizobium-glomus associations. New Phytologist 101(3):427-440.   PDF

Pacovsky, R.S., E.A. Paul, and G.J. Bethanfalvay. 1985. Nutrition of sorghum plants fertilized with nitrogen or inoculated with Azospirillum-brazilense. Plant and Soil 85(1):145-148.   PDF

Pacovsky, R.S., E.A. Paul, and G. Fuller. 1985. Influence of soil on the interactions between endomycorrhizae and Azospirillum in sorghum. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 17(4):525-531.   PDF

Bingle, W.H. and E.A. Paul. 1986. A method for separating fungal hyphae from soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 32(1):62-66.   PDF

Pacovsky, R.S., G.J. Bethlenfalvay, and E.A. Paul. 1986. Comparisons between p-fertilized and mycorrhizal plants. Crop Science 26(1):151-156.   PDF

Pacovsky, R.S., G. Fuller, A.E. Stafford, and E.A. Paul.  1986.  Nutrient and growth interactions in soybeans colonized with glomus-fasciculatum and rhizobium-japonicum.  Plant and Soil 92(1):37-45.    PDF

Pacovsky, R.S., E.A. Paul and G.J. Bethlenfalvay. 1986. Response of mycorrhizal and p-fertilized soybeans to nodulation by bradyrhizobium or ammonium-nitrate. Crop Science 26(1):145-150.   PDF

Brooks, P.D. and E.A. Paul. 1987. A new automated technique for measuring respiration in soil samples. Plant and Soil 101(2):183-187.   PDF

Harris, D. and E.A. Paul. 1987. Carbon requirements of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae. In: Ecophysiology of V.A. Mycorrhizal Plants. G. R. Safir, (ed.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 93-105.

Hendricks, C.W., E.A. Paul, and P.D. Brooks. 1987. Growth measurements of terrestrial microbial species by a continuous-flow technique. Plant and Soil 101(2):189-195.   PDF

Boyle, M. and E.A. Paul. 1988. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal associations with barley on sewage-amended plots.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 20(6):945-948.   PDF

Boyle, M. and E.A. Paul. 1988. Microbial biomass measurement of sewage sludge-amended soil by the chloroform fumigation incubation method. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 20(6):959-960.   PDF

Glausser, R., H.E. Doner, and E.A. Paul. 1988. Soil aggregate stability as a function of particle size in sludge-treated soils. Soil Science 146(1):37-42.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1988. Towards the year 2000: Direction for future nitrogen research. In: Advances in nitrogen cycling in agricultural ecosystems. J.R. Wilson, (ed.). CAB International Wallingford U.K.   PDF

Smith, J.L. and E.A. Paul. 1988. The role of soil type and vegetation on microbial biomass and activity. In: Perspective in microbial ecology. F. Megasur and M. Gontar, (eds.). Proc. Fourth Int. Symp. Microbial Ecology. Pp. 460-466.

Smith, J.L. and E.A. Paul. 1988. Use of an in situ labelling technique for the determination of seasonal 14C distribution in Ponderosa Pine. Plant and Soil 106(2):221-229.  PDF

Boyle, M. and E.A. Paul. 1989. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization kinetics in soil previously amended with sewage-sludge. Soil Science Society of America Journal 53(1):99-103.   PDF

Boyle, M. and E.A. Paul. 1989. Nitrogen transformations in soils previously amended with sewage-sludge. Soil Science Society of America Journal 53(3):740-744.   PDF

Harris, D. and E.A. Paul. 1989. Automated analysis of 15N and 14C in biological samples. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 20(9-10):935-947.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1989. Soils as components and controllers in ecosystem processes. In: Toward a More Exact Ecology. P.J. Grubb and J.B. Whittaker, (eds.), Blackwell Scientific Oxford. Pp. 353-374.   PDF

Paul. E.A. and F.E. Clark. 1989. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA. 273 pp.

Paul, E.A. and G.P. Robertson. 1989. Ecology and the agricultural sciences: A false dichotomy? Ecology 70:(6)1594-1597.   PDF

Smith, J.L., J.M. Norton, and E.A. Paul. 1989. Decomposition of 14C- and 15N-labelled organisms in soil under anaerobic conditions. Plant and Soil 116(1):115-118.   PDF

Smith, M., C.W. Rice, and E.A. Paul. 1989. Metabolism of labeled organic nitrogen in soil – regulation by inorganic nitrogen. Soil Science Society of America Journal 53(3):768-773.   PDF

Voroney, R.P., E.A. Paul, and D.W. Anderson. 1989. Decomposition of wheat straw and stabilization of microbial products. Canadian Journal of  Soil Science 69(1):63-77.   PDF

1960 - 1979

Paul, E.A. and E.L. Schmidt. 1960. Extraction of free amino acids from soils. Soil Science Society Proceedings 24:195-198.  PDF

Schmidt, E.L., H.D. Putnam, and E.A. Paul. 1960. Behavior of free amino acids in soils. Soil Sciece Society Proceedings 24:107-109.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and J.D. Newton. 1961. Studies of aerobic non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 7:7-13.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and E.L. Schmidt. 1961. Formation of free amino acids in rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils. Soil Science Society Proceedings 25:359-362.  PDF

Leuken, H., W.L. Hutcheon, and E.A. Paul. 1962. The influence of nitrogen on the decomposition of crop residues in the soil. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 42:276-288.  PDF

Acton, C.J., D.A. Rennie, and E.A. Paul. 1963. The relationship of polysaccharides to soil aggregation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 43:201-209.  PDF

Acton, C.J., E.A. Paul, and D.A. Rennie. 1963. Measurement of the polysaccharide content of soil. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 43:141-150.  PDF

Sosulski, F.W., E. A. Paul, and W.L. Hutcheon. 1963. The influence of soil moisture, nitrogen fertilization and temperature on quality and amino acid composition of Thatcher wheat. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 43:219-228.  PDF

Paul, E.A., C.A. Campbell, D.A. Rennie, and K.J. McCallum. 1964. Investigations of the dynamics of soil humus utilizing carbon dating techniques. VIII International Congress Soil Science, Bucharest, Trans. Vol. 3: 201-209.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and C.M. Tu. 1965. Alteration of microbial activities, mineral nitrogen, and free amino acid constituents of soils by physical treatment. Plant and Soil, 22: 207-219.  PDF

Hutcheon, W.L. and E.A. Paul. 1966. Control of protein content of Thatcher wheat by nitrogen fertilization and moisture stress. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 46(2):101-108.  PDF

Mathur, S.P. and E.A. Paul. 1966. A microbial approach to the problem of soil humic acid structures. Nature 212:646-647. PDF

Shields, J.A., R.J. St. Arnaud, E.A. Paul, and J.S. Clayton. 1966. The measurement of soil color. Canadian Journal of  Soil Science 46(1):83-90.  PDF

Sosulski, F.W., M. Lin, and E.A. Paul. 1966. Effect of moisture temperature and nitrogen on yield and protein quality of Thatcher wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 46(6):583-588.  PDF

Campbell, C.A., E.A. Paul, D.A. Rennie, and K.J. McCallum. 1967. Factors affecting the accuracy of the carbon dating method of soil humus studies. Soil Science 104(2):81-85.  PDF

Campbell, C.A., E.A. Paul, D.A. Rennie, and K.J. McCallum. 1967. Applicability of the carbon dating method of analyses to soil humus studies. Soil Science 104(3):217-224.  PDF

Mathur, S.P. and E.A. Paul. 1967. Microbial utilization of soil humic acids. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 13(5):573-580. PDF

Mathur, S.P. and E.A. Paul. 1967. Partial characterization of soil humic acids through biodegradation. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 13(5):581-586.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and S.P. Mathur. 1967. Cleavage of humic acids by Penicillium frequentans. Plant and Soil 27(2):297-299.  PDF

Rice, W.A., E.A. Paul, and L.A. Wetter. 1967. The role of anaerobiosis in asymbiotic nitrogen fixation. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 13(7):829-836.  PDF

Myers, R.J.K. and E.A. Paul. 1968. The nitrate ion electrode method for soil nitrate nitrogen determination. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 48(3):359-371.  PDF

Shields, J.A., E.A. Paul, R.J. St. Arnaud, and W.K. Head. 1968. Spectrophotometric measurement of soil color and its relationship to moisture and organic matter. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 48(3):271-280.  PDF

Coupland, R.T., R. Zacharuk, and E.A. Paul. 1969. Procedures for studying grassland ecosystems. In: The Ecosystem Concept in Natural Resource Management. G.M. Van Dyne (ed.) Academic Press. Symposium American Society for Range Management, Feb., 1968. pp. 25-47.  PDF

Babiuk, L.A. and E.A. Paul. 1970. The use of fluorescein isothiocyanate in the determination of the microbial biomass of grassland soils. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 16:57-62.  PDF

Clark, F.E. and E.A. Paul. 1970. The microflora of grassland. Advanced Agronomy 22:375-435.  PDF Pages 375-400PDF Pages 401-435

Paul, E.A. 1970. Plant components and soil organic matter. Advanced Phytochemistry 11:59-104.

Paul, E.A. and R.J.K. Myers. 1971. Effect of soil moisture stress on uptake and recovery of tagged nitrogen by wheat. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 51:27-43.  PDF

Paul, E.A., R.J.K. Myers, and W.A. Rice. 1971. Nitrogen fixation in grassland and associated cultivated ecosystems. In: Nitrogen Fixation in Natural and Agricultural Habitats. E. Mulder and T. Lie (ed.) Special Volume, Plant and Soil, pp. 495-507.  PDF

Rice, W.A. and E.A. Paul. 1971. The acetylene reduction assay for measuring nitrogen fixation in waterlogged soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 17(8):1049-1056.  PDF

Sorensen, L.H. and E.A. Paul. 1971. Transformation of acetate carbon into carbohydrate and amino acid metabolites during decomposition in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 3:173-180.  PDF

Rice, W.W. and E.A. Paul. 1972. The organisms and biological processes involved in asymbiotic nitrogen fixation in waterlogged soil amended with straw. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 18(6):715-723.  PDF

Biederbeck, V.O. and E.A. Paul. 1973. Fractionation of soil humate with phenolic solvents and purification of the nitrogen-rich portion with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Soil Science 115(5):357-366.

Ladd, J.N. and E.A. Paul. 1973. Changes in enzyme activity and distribution of acid-soluble, amino acid-nitrogen in soil during nitrogen immobilization and mineralization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 5:825-840.  PDF

McGill, W.B., E.A. Paul, J.A. Shields, and W.E. Lowe. 1973. Turnover of microbial populations and their metabolites in soil. Bulletins from the Ecological Research Committee 17:293-301.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and F.R. Warembourg. 1973. Separation of microbial and root respiration. Bulletins from the Ecological Research Committee 17:274.  PDF

Rowell, M.J., J.N. Ladd, and E.A. Paul. 1973. Enzymatically active complexes of proteases and humic acid analogues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 5(5):699-703.  PDF

Shields, J.A. and E.A. Paul. 1973. Decomposition of 14C-labelled plant material under field conditions. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 53(3):297-306.  PDF

Shields, J.A., E.A. Paul, W.E. Lowe, and D. Parkinson. 1973. Turnover of microbial tissue in soil under field conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 5(6):753-764.  PDF

Vlassak, K., E.A. Paul, and R.E. Harris. 1973. Assessment of biological nitrogen fixation in grassland and associated sites. Plant and Soil 38:637-649.   PDF

Warembourg, F.R. and E.A. Paul. 1973. The use of C14O2 canopy techniques for measuring carbon transfer through the plant-soil system. Plant and Soil 38(2):331-345.   PDF

Anderson, D.W., E.A. Paul, and R.J. St. Arnaud. 1974. Extraction and characterization of humus with reference to clay-associated humus. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 54(3):317-323.   PDF

Anderson, D.W., D.B. Russell, R.J. St. Arnaud, and E.A. Paul. 1974. A comparison of humic fractions of Chernozemic and Luvisolic soils by elemental analyses, UV and ESR spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 54(4):447-456.   PDF

Martel, Y.A. and E.A. Paul. 1974. The use of radiocarbon dating of organic matter in the study of soil genesis. Soil Science Society of  America Proceedings 38(3):501-506.    PDF

Martel, Y.A. and E.A. Paul. 1974. Effects of cultivation on the organic matter of grassland soils as determined by the fractionation and radiocarbon dating. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 54(4):419-426.   PDF

Rennie, D.A., E.A. Paul, and L.E. Johns. 1974. Isotope tracer-aided research on the nitrogen cycle in selected Saskatchewan soils. FAO/IAEA Work Conference on Nitrogen Residue Problems in Food and Agriculture, Vienna, 1973, pp. 77-90.

Rennie, D.A., F.R. Warembourg, and E.A. Paul. 1974. Study of root systems of crop plants and native vegetation using radiotracers. Proceedings 1st International Symposium on Use of Isotopes and Radiation in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Research, New Delhi. pp. 597-615.

Shields, J.A., E.A. Paul, and W.E. Lowe. 1974. Factors influencing the stability of labelled microbial materials in soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 6(1):31-37.   PDF

McGill, W.B., J.A. Shields, and E.A. Paul. 1975. Relation between carbon and nitrogen turnover in soil organic fractions of microbial origin. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 7(1):57-63.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1975. Recent studies using the acetylene-reduction technique as an assay for field nitrogen fixation levels. In: Nitrogen Fixation by Free-living Micro-organisms. W.D.P. Stewart (ed.) Cambridge University Press, U.K. pp. 259-269.

Paul, E.A. and A.D. McLaren. 1975. Biochemistry of the soil subsystem. In: Soil Biochemistry. Volume 3. E.A. Paul and A.D. McLaren (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York. pp. 1-36.

Paul, E.A. and A.D. McLaren. 1975. Soil Biochemistry. Volume 3. Marcel Dekker, New York. 334 p.

Paul, E.A. and A.D. McLaren. 1975. Soil Biochemistry. Volume 4. Marcel Dekker, New York. 277p.

Bancroft, K., E.A. Paul, and W.J. Wiebe. 1976. The extraction and measurement of adenosine triphosphate from marine-sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 21(3):473-479.   PDF

Degenhardt, T.L., T.A. LaRue, and E.A. Paul. 1976. Investigation of a non-nodulating cultivar of Pisum sativum. Canadian Journal of Botany 54(14):1633-1636.   PDF

McGill, W.B. and E.A. Paul. 1976. Fractionation of soil and 15N nitrogen to separate the organic and clay interaction of immobilized N. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 56(3):203-212.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1976. Nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, In: Environmental biogeochemistry, Vol. 1: Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Selenium Cycles. J.O. Nriagu (ed.), Ann Arbor Science Publishing Corp., Ann Arbor, MI. Ch. 16: 227-245.

Rennie, D.A., E.A. Paul, and L.E. Johns. 1976. Natural nitrogen-15 abundance of soil and plant samples. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 56(1):43-50.  PDF

Paul, E.A. and R.L. Johnson. 1977. Microscopic counting and adenosine 5′-triphosphate measurement in determining microbial growth in soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 34(3):263-269.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and W.B. McGill. 1977. Turnover of microbial biomass, plant residues and soil humic constituents under field conditions. In: Soil Organic Matter Studies, Vol. 1. I.A.E.A., Vienna, pp. 149-157.

Warembourg, F.R. and E.A. Paul. 1977. Seasonal transfers of assimilated 14C in grassland-plant production and turnover, soil and plant respiration. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 9(4):295-301.  PDF

Breymeyer, A.I., D.C. Coleman, M.C. Dash, Y. Dommergues, H.W. Hunt, E.A. Paul, R. Schaefer, B. Ulehlova, and R.I. Zlotin. 1978. Decomposer subsystem. In: Grasslands, Systems Analysis and Man. A.J. Breymeyer and G.M. Van Dyne (eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1978. pp. 609-692.

Campbell, C.A. and E.A. Paul. 1978. Effects of fertilizer N and soil moisture on mineralization, N recovery and A-values, under spring wheat grown in small lysimeters. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 58(1):39-51.   PDF

Chauhan, B.S., J.W.B. Stewart, and E.A. Paul. 1978. Effect of carbon additions on soil labile inorganic, organic and microbially held phosphate. 11th International Congress of Soil Science, Transactions.(Edmonton), June 19-27, 1978. p. 17. 

de Jong, E. and E.A. Paul. 1978. The composition of the soil atmosphere and its relationship to soil aeration and respiration. In: Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series, Vol. VI. Soil Science and Applied Geology. O.W. Finkle, Jr. (ed.). Reinhold Book Corp., New York. pp. 10-21.

Nannipieri, P., R.L. Johnson, and E.A. Paul. 1978. Criteria for measurement of microbial growth and activity in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 10(3):223-229.   PDF

Paul, E.A. 1978. Contribution of nitrogen fixation to ecosystem functioning and nitrogen fluxes on a global basis. Ecological Bulletins 26:282-293.  PDF

Paul, E.A., F.E. Clark, and V.O. Biederbeck. 1978. Microorganisms in North American grasslands. In: Decomposition and Mineralization in IBP Grasslands. A. Sasson and R.T. Coupland (eds.) Cambridge University Press, U.K. pp. 87-96.

Paul, E.A. and J.A. van Veen. 1978. The use of tracers to determine the dynamic nature of organic matter. 11th International Congress of Soil Science, Transactions.(Edmonton), June 19-27, 1978. pp. 61-102.

Paul, E.A. and R.L. Victoria. 1978. Nitrogen transfers between the soil and atmosphere. In: Environmental Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology, Vol. 2: The terrestrial environment. W.E. Krumbein (ed.). Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich. pp. 525-541.

Chauhan, B.S., J.W.B. Stewart, and E.A. Paul. 1979. Effect of carbon additions on soil labile inorganic, organic and microbially held phosphate. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 59:387-396.   PDF

Paul, E.A. and J.A. van Veen. 1979. The use of tracers to determine the dynamic nature of organic matter. In: Modelling Nitrogen from Farm Wastes. J.K.R. Gasser (ed.) Applied Science Publishers, London. pp. 75-132.

van Veen, J.A. and E.A. Paul. 1979. Conversion of biovolume measurements of soil organisms, grown under various moister tensions, to biomass and their nutrient content. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 37(4):686-692.  PDF

Warembourg, F.R., E.A. Paul, R.L. Randell, and R.B. More. 1979. Model of assimilated carbon distribution in grassland. Oecologia Plantarum 14(1):1-12.

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