Sarah King

Wild burrow on prairie
Wild horses.
Wild horse silhouette with clouds
Sarah King field site.
Two wild horses

Curriculum Vitae

Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
Telephone: +1 720-587-9890


1998 – 2002         Ph.D.                  Queen Mary, University of London
‘The behavioural ecology of Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskii) reintroduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia’

1993 – 1996          B.Sc. (Hons.)     Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London
Upper Second Class Degree in Zoology and Ecology


Sep 2019 – Present            Joint Faculty – Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University

Aug 2013 – Present           Research Scientist– Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University (and USGS collaborator)
Leading essential research in the western United States to provide science that informs management of feral horses and donkeys, and that
advances our knowledge of their behavior and ecology.

May – Aug 2013                  Research Associate – Colorado State University

May 2010 – May 2013       Postdoctoral Research Associate – University of Colorado at Boulder
Research on elevational distribution and abundance of small mammals and their food resources in the mountains of Colorado to examine
the effect of biodiversity parameters and climate change.

Nov 2006 – May 2010        Chargée de Mission/Project Manager – Association pour le cheval de Przewalski: TAKH, France.
Implemented and directed the community development and rangeland management aspects of an evidence-based integrated conservation
project in western Mongolia, involving working closely with partners (WWF-Mongolia and Khar Us Nuur National Park) and local stakeholders.
Conducted research on Przewalski’s horse ecology and behaviour. Organized the international ‘Workshop to discuss the future of the takhi
in Mongolia’ (2008).

Jun 2005 – Sep 2006           Project Manager – Zoological Society of London’s Steppe Forward Programme, Mongolia.
Directed a Darwin Initiative (UK DEFRA) funded project and built on it: gained further funding, completed agreed outputs and developed new
projects, including organization of a workshop to develop an IUCN Regional Red List of Mongolian mammals and herptiles. Organized and
taught on ecological and IUCN Red List workshops for environmental professionals and stakeholders; organized, developed materials for, and
taught ecological field courses for Mongolian undergraduates in remote parts of Mongolia.

Jan 2003 – Jun 2005           Wildlife Biologist, Senior – Mount Graham Red Squirrel Monitoring Project, University of Arizona.
Designed and headed research projects examining behavioural ecology of an endangered squirrel.

Jan – Jun 1997                     Intern Red Wolf Reintroduction Project, Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina.

Honors and Awards

2019 – IUCN/SSC Equid Specialist Group awarded The SSC Chair’s Citation of Excellence

2019 – Nominated to faculty of the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University

2017-present – Co-chair of the IUCN/SSC Equid Specialist Group

2017-present – Coordinator of the Equid Red List Authority – IUCN

2017- present – Plains zebra coordinator – IUCN

2016-2017 – International Presidential Fellow – Colorado State University

2013-2017 – Coordinator of the Equid Red List Authority – IUCN

2010 – Promotion to Project Manager of Association Takh

2005-2008 – Conservation Fellow – Zoological Society of London

2003 – Outstanding Team Award – College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona

1999-present – Member of the IUCN/SSC Equid Specialist Group

Peer-reviewed Publications

Peer-reviewed publications
1. McCain, C., King, S.R.B. & Szewczyk, T. ‘Unusually large upward shifts in cold-adapted, montane mammals as temperature warms’. Ecology. In review.

2. Bolam,F., Mair, L., Angelico, M., Brooks,T., Burgman, M., Hermes, C., Hoffmann, M., … King, S.R.B., et al. ‘How many bird and mammal extinctions has recent conservation action prevented?’. Conservation Letters. In review.

3. Hennig, J., Scasta, J.D., Beck, J., Schoenecker, K., & King, S.R.B. ‘Systematic Review of Equids and Telemetry Collars: Implications for Deployment and Reporting’. Wildlife Research. In review.

4. Schoenecker, K., King, S.R.B. & Collins, G. ‘Evaluation of the impacts of radio-marking devices on feral horses and burros in a captive setting,’. Human-Wildlife Interactions. In press.

5. Pluháček, J., Tučková, V., King, S.R.B., & Šárová, R. 2020. ‘Effect of social organisation on interspecific differences in overmarking behaviour of foals in African equids’. Animal Cognition. 23: 131-140

6. Pluháček, J., Tučková, V. & King, S.R.B. 2019. ‘Overmarking behaviour of zebra males: no scent masking, but a group cohesion function’. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology. 73: 136-147.

7. King, S.R.B. & Schoenecker, K. 2019. ‘Comparison of methods to examine diet of feral horses from non-invasively collected fecal samples’. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 72: 661-666.

8. King, S.R.B., Schoenecker, K. & Manier, D. 2019. ‘Potential spread of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and other invasive species by feral horses (Equus ferus caballus) in western Colorado’. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 72: 706-710.

9. King, S.R.B. & Gurnell, J. 2019. ‘Associative behaviour in Przewalski’s horses reintroduced into Mongolia’. Nature Conservation Research. 4(Suppl.2): 1-9.

10. Pluháček, J., Tučková, V., King, S.R.B., & Šárová, R. 2019. ‘Test of four hypotheses to explain the function of overmarking in foals of four equid species’. Animal Cognition. 22: 231-241.

11. Gosling, M., Muntifering, J., Kolberg, H., Uiseb, K., & King, S.R.B. 2019. ‘Equus zebra’. Equus zebra. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010. e.T7960A45171906.

12. Gosling, M., Muntifering, J., Kolberg, H., Uiseb, K., & King, S.R.B. 2019. ‘Equus zebra ssp. hartmannae’. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T7958A45171819.

13. McCain, C., King, S.R.B., Szewczyk, T., & Beck, J. 2018. ‘Small mammal species richness is directly linked to regional productivity, but decoupled from food resources, abundance, or habitat complexity’. Journal of Biogeography. 45:2533-2545.

14. McGowan, P., Mair, L., Symes, A., Westrip, J., Wheatley, H., Brook, S., Burton, J., King, S., McShea, W., Moehlman, P., Smith, A., Wheeler, J., & Butchart, S. 2018 ‘Tracking trends in the extinction risk of wild relatives of domesticated species
to assess progress against global biodiversity targets’. Conservation Letters. e12588.

15. Tučková, V., R. Sarova, J. Bartošová, King, S.R.B. & Pluháček, J. 2018. Overmarking by adult females in four equid species: social bonds and group cohesion. Journal of Zoology. 306:180-188.

16. King, S.R.B., Schoenecker, K., Fike, J., & Oyler-McCance, S. 2018. ‘Long-term persistence of horse fecal DNA in the environment makes equids particularly good candidates for non-invasive sampling’. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 4053-4064.

17. Crooks, K.R., Burdett, C.L., Theobald, D.M., King, S.R.B., Di Marco, M., Rondinini, C., & Boitani, L. 2017. ‘Quantification of habitat fragmentation reveals extinction risk in terrestrial mammals’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
114: 7635-7640.

18. Rubenstein, D., Low Mackey, B., Davidson, Z.D., & King, S.R.B. 2016. ‘Equus grevyi’. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T7950A89624491.

19. King, S.R.B., & Moehlman, P.D. 2016. ‘Equus quagga’. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T41013A45172424.

20. King, S.R.B., Boyd, L., Zimmermann, W. & Kendall, B.E. 2015. ‘Equus ferus’. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T41763A97204950.

21. King, S.R.B. & McCain, C.M. 2015. ‘Robust discrimination of Reithrodontomys megalotis and R. montanus (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Colorado, using cranial morphology and external characteristics within age classes’. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 128: 1-10

22. McCain, C.M. & King, S.R.B. 2014. ‘Body size and activity times mediate mammalian responses to climate change’. Global Change Biology. 20:1760-1769.

23. Olléová, M., Pluháček, J. & King, S.R.B. 2012. ‘Effect of social system on allosuckling and adoption in zebras’. Journal of Zoology. 288: 127-134.

24. Boyd, L. & King, S.R.B. 2011. ‘Equus ferus’. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2.

25. King, S.R.B. & Gurnell, J. 2010. ‘Effects of fly disturbance on the behaviour of a population of reintroduced Przewalski horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) in Mongolia’. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 125: 22-29.

26. Bourjade, M., Tatin, L., King, S.R.B. & Feh, C. 2009. ‘Early reproductive success, preceding bachelor ranks and their behavioral correlates in young Przewalski’s stallions’. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution. 21: 1-14.

27. Tatin, L., King, S.R.B., Munkhtuya, B., Hewison, A.J.M. & Feh, C. 2009. ‘Demography of a socially natural herd of Przewalski’s horses: an example of a small, closed population’. Journal of Zoology. 277: 134-140.

28. Boyd, L., Zimmermann, W. & King, S.R.B. 2008. Equus ferus ssp. przewalskii. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

29. King, S.R.B. 2007. ‘Asiatic wild asses in the literature: what do we need to know now?’. In: Stubbe, A., Kaczensky, P., Wesche, K., Samija, R. & Stubbe, M. (eds). Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia, 10. pp: 347-357. Martin-
Luther-Universitat Halle Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany.

30. King, S.R.B. & Gurnell, J. 2007. ‘Scent-marking behaviour of stallions: an assessment of function in a reintroduced population of Przewalski horses (Equus ferus przewalskii)’. Journal of Zoology. 272: 30-36.

31. Koprowski, J.L., King, S.R.B. & Merrick, M. 2007. ‘Expanded home ranges in a peripheral population: space use by endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels’. Endangered Species Research. 3: 105-110.

32. Clark, E.L., Ocock, J.F., King, S.R.B. & Baillie, J.E.M. 2006. ‘Proceedings of the Mongolian Biodiversity Databank Workshop: Assessing the Conservation Status of Mongolian Mammals and Fishes. I – Results and Outputs of the Workshop’. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences. 3: 3-15.

33. Clark, E.L., Ocock, J.F., King, S.R.B. & Baillie, J.E.M. 2006. ‘Proceedings of the Mongolian Biodiversity Databank Workshop: Assessing the Conservation Status of Mongolian Mammals and Fishes. II – Mongolian Mammals: Assessment Results and
Threats’. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences. 3: 17-27.

34. Ocock, J.F., Clark, E.L., King, S.R.B. & Baillie, J.E.M. 2006. ‘Proceedings of the Mongolian Biodiversity Databank Workshop: Assessing the Conservation Status of Mongolian Mammals and Fishes. III – Mongolian Fishes: Assessment Results and
Threats’. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences. 3: 29-36.

35. Isaac, J.L., Jamsranjav, J., Simpson, L. & King, S.R.B. 2006. Small mammals of the Mongolian mountain steppe region near Erdensant: insights from live-trapping and bird pellet remains. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences. 3: 43-49.

36. King, S.R.B. 2006. ‘Extinct in the Wild to Endangered: the history of Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) and its future conservation’. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences. 3: 37-41.

37. King, S.R.B. & Gurnell, J. 2005. ‘Habitat use and spatial dynamics of takhi introduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia’. Biological Conservation. 124: 277-290.

38. King, S.R.B. 2002. ‘Home range and habitat use of free-ranging Przewalski horses at Hustai National Park, Mongolia.’ Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 78: 103-113

Peer-reviewed books and book chapters

39. King, S.R.B. & Moehlman, P.D. 2017. Mountain zebra (Equus zebra). In: Back From the Brink. CEMEX Conservation Book Series.

40. King, S.R.B., Asa, C., Pluháček, J., Houpt, K. & Ransom, J. 2016. ‘The behavior of horses, zebras, and asses’. Chapter 3 In: Ransom, J. & Kaczensky, P. (eds). Wild Equids: Ecology, Management, and Conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press.

41. Schoenecker, K.A, King, S.R.B., Nordquist, M., Dejid, N., & Cao, Q. 2016. ‘Habitat and diet of equids’. Chapter 4 In: Ransom, J. & Kaczensky, P. (eds). Wild Equids: Ecology, Management, and Conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press.

42. Moehlman, P., King, S.R.B., & Kebede, F. 2016. ‘Conservation of threatened wild equids’. Chapter 12 In: Ransom, J. & Kaczensky, P. (eds). Wild Equids: Ecology, Management, and Conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press.

43. Hrabar, H., Birss, C., Peinke, D., King, S., Novellie, P., Kerley, G. & Child, M. 2016. A Conservation Assessment of Equus zebra zebra. In: M.F. Child, L. Roxburgh, E. Do Linh San, D. Raimondo, and H. Davies-Mostert (eds), The Red List of Mammals of
South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. South African National Biodiversity Institute and Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa.

44. Novellie, P., King, S., Munifering, J., Uiseb, K., & Child, M.F. 2016. A Conservation Assessment of Equus zebra hartmannae. In: M.F. Child, L. Roxburgh, E. Do Linh San, D. Raimondo, and H. Davies-Mostert (eds), The Red List of Mammals of South
Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. South African National Biodiversity Institute and Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa.

45. Batsaikhan, N., Samiya, R., Shar, S. & King, S.R.B. 2014. A Field Guide to the Mammals of Mongolia. Second Edition. 307pp. Zoological Society of London, London.

46. King, S.R.B. 2013 ‘Przewalski’s horses and red wolves: importance of behavioral research for species brought back from the brink of extinction’. Pp:153-158 in: Bekoff, M. (ed). Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate
Conservation. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.

47. Joly, F., Samdanjigmed, T., Saidi, S., King, S.R.B. & Feh, C. 2011. ‘Forage resource utilisation in Mongolia. Two concepts frequently applied in range ecology’. Pp 57-70 in: Kammili, T., Hubert, B., & Tourrand, J-F. (eds.). A paradigm shift in livestock management: from resource sufficiency to functional integrity. Editions QUAE.

48. Batsaikhan, N., Samiya, R., Shar, S. & King, S.R.B. 2010. A Field Guide to the Mammals of Mongolia. 307pp. Zoological Society of London, London.

49. King, S.R.B. & Koprowski, J.L. 2009. ‘Human and non-human disturbance of Mt. Graham red squirrels’. In: Sanderson, H.R. & Koprowski, J.L. (eds). The Last Refuge of the Mt. Graham Red Squirrel. Ecology of Endangerment. University of Arizona
Press, Tucson, USA.

50. Clark, E.L., Munkhbat, J., Dulamtseren, S., Baillie, J.E.M., Batsaikhan, N., King, S.R.B., Samiya, R. & Stubbe, M. (compilers and editors). 2006. Summary Conservation Action Plans for Mongolian Mammals. Regional Red List Series Vol. 2. Zoological Society of London, London.

51. King, S.R.B. & Boyd, L. 2006. ‘Behavioural ecology of the takhi’. In: Wit, P. & Bouman, I. The tale of the Przewalski’s horse. Coming home to Mongolia. pp: 124-127. KNNV Publishing, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Other publications
1. Schoenecker, K.A., King, S.R.B., & Ekernas. 2019. ‘Emerging tools to control feral horse populations in the western USA’. Proceedings of the 18th Wildlife Damage Management Conference. J.B. Armstrong, G.R. Gallagher, Eds. Pp 42-43.

2. Moehlman, P. D. & King, S.R.B. 2018. IUCN SSC Equid Specialist Group 2016-2017 Report. 2016-2017 Report of the SSC and GSP. IUCN. Gland, Switzerland.

3. Oddie, K. & Gombobaatar. 2009. Maral’s adventures. King, S.R.B. & Jargal, J. (eds). Zoological Society of London, London.

4. King, S.R.B. Darwin Initiative reports for the UK Department of the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Available at:

5. Hack, M.A. & King, S.R.B. 2005. Equid Bibliography. IUCN/SCC Equid Specialist Group, IUCN (The World Conservation Union), Gland, Switzerland. Available at:

6. King, S.R.B. November 2002 ‘Back to the Hustai’. BBC Wildlife Magazine. Photos by Frans Lanting.

7. King, S.R.B. 1993. ‘Iberian wolves – Grupo Lobo’. Mammalaction. 62:2

Editor/Peer Reviewer

Editor for Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences (2005-present)

Associate editor of Journal of Wildlife Management special issue on feral horses and burros (2020)

Reviewer for Behavioural Processes, Conservation Biology, Biological Conservation, Wildlife Society Bulletin, Journal of Arid Environments, Diversity and Distributions, Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Ethology, Animal Behaviour, Diversity, Western North American Naturalist, Open Biology Journal, Journal of Species Research, Animals, Animal Cognition, Global Ecology and Conservation, Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, Korean Journal of Zoology, Axios Review, Ranger Rick, and IUCN and USGS publications.

Grant application reviewer for National Geographic Society; US-Israel Binational Science Foundation; Animal Behavior Society student and developing nation research grants; Conservation Leadership Program.

Scientific Conferences and Meetings

Oral presentations

2020       ‘Horses and donkeys: different species, different social systems, different management?’ 13th International Primatology and Wildlife Science Conference, Kyoto, Japan. (plenary speaker). [Conference cancelled due to
coronavirus outbreak.]

2020       ‘fDNA and microhistology to evaluate feral horse diets’. Society of Rangeland Management Conference, Denver, CO, USA (with K. Schoenecker). (invited speaker)

2019       ‘Behavioural ecology of feral horses and burros in the American west’. Institute of Animal Science, Prague, Czechia (with K. Schoenecker). (invited speaker)

2019       ‘Social system shapes differences in social behaviors of equids’. 2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia (with K. Schoenecker)

2019       ‘Overmarking by adult females in four equid species serves to strengthen the social bonds and to support group cohesion’ 2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia (presented by J. Pluháček)

2019       ‘Effect of availability and temporal variability of resources on the distribution and movement of feral burro (Equus asinus) populations’ 2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia (presented by K. Schoenecker)

2019       ‘Does the forage maturation hypothesis predict seasonal movements of equids?’ 2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia (by S. Esmaeili)

2019       ‘Safety and application of telemetry collars on wild and free-roaming equids: A global systematic review’ 2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia (presented by J. Beck)

2019       ‘Facts from feces: the utility of fecal DNA to assist in the conservation and management of wild equids’ 2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia (presented by S. Oyler-McCance)

2019       ‘Associative behaviour in Przewalski’s horses reintroduced to Mongolia’. VII International Symposium on the Preservation of Przewalski’s Horse, Orenburg, Russia (with J. Gurnell). (invited to give opening remarks)

2019       ‘Effect of Sterilizing Adult Males on Feral Horse Social and Reproductive Behavior’. Animal Behavior Society Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA (with K. Schoenecker and M. Cole)

2019       ‘Emerging tools to control feral horse populations in the western USA’. 18th Wildlife Damage Management Conference, Starkville, MS, USA (presented by K. Schoenecker; with S. Ekernas)

2018       ‘Social system shapes differences in social behaviors of equids’. International Society of Behavioural Ecology Congress, Minneapolis, MN, USA (with K. Schoenecker)

2017       ‘Different behavior requires different management: the difference between horses and burros’. International Colloquium on Ecosystem Science and Celebration of 50 years of the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Fort
Collins, CO, USA (with K. Schoenecker)

2017       ‘Development and testing of new tools for the management of wild horses and burros’. National Wild Horse and Burro Management Summit, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (with K. Schoenecker)

2016       ‘Effect of environmental exposure time and collection method on DNA analysis of equid fecal samples’. The Willdife Society, Raleigh, NC, USA (with K. Schoenecker, J. Fike, and S. Oyler-McCance)

2016       ‘Developing a suitable radio collar for wild horses and burros’. The Willdife Society, Raleigh, NC, USA (with K. Schoenecker, P. Griffin, and G. Collins)

2015       ‘Test of fecal sampling for estimating population sizes, diet, and genetic parameters of wild horse populations’. NREL/ESS weekly seminar, Colorado State University, CO, USA (with K. Schoenecker)

2015       ‘Developing a suitable radio collar for wild horses and burros’. NREL/ESS weekly seminar, Colorado State University, CO, USA (with K. Schoenecker)

2015       ‘Thundering hooves – conserving the world’s wild equids’. Ignite Biodiversity, Fort Collins, CO, USA. (invited speaker)

2012       ‘Vigilance and its links to social cohesion in a reintroduced equid’. International Wild Equid Conference, Vienna, Austria (with J. Gurnell)

2012       ‘Resource partitioning of sympatric shrew species in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado’. American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, Reno, NV, USA. (with C. McCain)

2012       ‘Body size, activity times, and geographic location are strongly associated with mammalian responses to anthropogenic climate change’. American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, Reno, NV, USA. (with C. McCain)

2011       ‘Differences in capture of harvest mice (Reithrodontomys) using Sherman and pitfall traps’. American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, Portland, OR, USA. (with C. McCain)

2011       ‘Small mammal decline in North America: an overview of processes, hypothesis, and evidence’. Organized symposium. Joint meeting of the Australian Mammal Society and American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, OR, USA. (with C. McCain) (invited talk)

2008       ‘Forage resource utilisation in Mongolia: first results from a case study in the light of two concepts currently being used in range ecology’. XXI Grassland/VIII Rangeland International Congress, Hohhot, China. (with F. Joly, T. Samdanjigmed, S. Saidi and C. Feh)

2006       ‘The return of the wild horse’. Scientific Meeting, Zoological Society of London, London, UK. (invited speaker)

2006       ‘Behavioral ecology of Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii) reintroduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia’. Lunchtime seminar series, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. (invited speaker)

2006       ‘Steppe Forward Program: Ecology, Education and Conservation in Mongolia’. Conservation Programmes Staff Talk. Zoological Society of London, London, UK.

2006       ‘Capacity building for impact assessment in Mongolia’. International Association for Impact Assessment Annual Conference. Stavanger, Norway. (with O. Venn and J. Treweek)

2006       NEMO Trust Fund Project Review Workshop, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

2005       ‘Asiatic wild asses in the literature: what do we need to know now?’. Asiatic Wild Ass Conference, Hustai National Park, Mongolia.

2005       ‘Space use and social organization of endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels: it’s lonely at the top’. The Wildlife Society, Madison, WI, USA. (with J. Koprowski)

2005       ‘Cone caching strategy and its impact on the Mt. Graham red squirrel population’. Arizona and New Mexico Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting, Gallup, NM, USA. (with J. Koprowski and S. Bertelsen)

2004       ‘Cone caching strategy and its impact on the Mt. Graham red squirrel population’. American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, Arcata, CA, USA. (with J. Koprowski and S. Bertelsen)

2004       ‘Space use and social organization of endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels: it’s lonely at the top’ American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, Arcata, CA, USA. (with J. Koprowski)

2004       ‘Space use and social organization of endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels: it’s lonely at the top’ Arizona and New Mexico Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting, Safford, Arizona, USA. (with J. Koprowski)

2003       ‘ Effect of human and non-human disturbance on Mt. Graham red squirrels’. Conference on the Ecology of the Mt. Graham Red Squirrel, Safford, Arizona, USA. (with J. Koprowski)

2001       Takhi reintroduction into Hustai National Park, Mongolia: Lessons learned’. International Theriological Conference, South Africa. (with L. Boyd)

2001       Behavioral ecology of free-ranging Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii) at Hustai National Park, Mongolia’. British Ecological Society Winter Meeting, Birmingham, UK. (with J. Gurnell)

2000       Takhi Reintroduction Workshop, Hustai National Park, Mongolia.

1999       ‘Use of biotope, distribution and social behavior of free-ranging Przewalski horses in Hustain Nuruu. VIth International Symposium on the Preservation of the Przewalski Horse, Kiev, Ukraine.

1999       ‘The home range and habitat use of free-ranging Przewalski horse harems at Hustain Nuruu National Park, Mongolia’. Smithsonian Institute at Hustai National Park, Mongolia.

1999       ‘Reintroduction of the Przewalski horse to Hustain Nuruu Reserve, Mongolia’. Mammal Society Annual Conference, Reading, UK.

Poster presentations

2019       2nd International Wild Equid Conference, Prague, Czechia.
2018       The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, OH, USA.

2014       International Behavioural Ecology Congress, New York, NY. USA.

2008       12th International Behavioural Ecology Congress, Ithaca, NY. USA.

2006       International Association for Impact Assessment Annual Conference. Stavanger, Norway.

2004       American Society of Mammalogists Meeting, Arcata, CA, USA.

2004       Mammal Society Annual Conference, Leicester, UK.

Grants and Funding

2019           SSC internal grant: Support for the International Wild Equid Conference and travel for Equid Specialist Group
members – $3,500

2018            IUCN/SOS threatened species grant: ’Conservation of the Critically Endangered African wild ass (Equus Africans) and the Endangered Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi)’ (with P. Moehlman and K. Schoenecker) – €49,900 ($57,000)

2015            BLM with USGS co-funding: ‘Demography of two wild burro populations in the western USA’ (co-PI, with K. Schoenecker (PI), L. Zeigenfuss, and K. Searle) – $717,081

2015            BLM with USGS co-funding: ‘Evaluating behavior and ecology of geldings among a breeding population’ (PI, with K. Schoenecker) – $826,099

2015            BLM with USGS co-funding: ‘Evaluating behavior, demography, and ecology of spayed free-roaming mares’ (PI, with K. Schoenecker) – $772,151

2015            BLM with USGS co-funding: ‘Population demography and ecology of wild horses in 2 sentinel herds in the Western United States’ ((co-PI, with K. Schoenecker (PI), and L. Zeigenfuss) – $1,287,654

2014            BLM with USGS co-funding: ‘Developing a suitable radio collar or radio tag for feral horses and burros’ (co-PI, with K. Schoenecker (PI) & P. Griffin) – $207,775

2014            BLM with USGS co-funding: ‘Non-invasive genetic sampling of free-roaming horses to estimate population size, genetic diversity, and consumption of invasive species’ (PI, with K. Schoenecker, P. Griffin. & S. Oyler-McCance) – $250,869

2012            Center for Collaborative Conservation: scholarship to attend the International Wild Equid Conference 2012, Vienna, Austria – €395 ($500)

2009            European Commission: ‘Non-state actors and local authorities in development’ (for Association TAKH) – €225,000 ($304,000)

2008            Royal Society for the Protection of Birds: study of the birds at Khar Us Nuur, Mongolia – £700 ($1,130)

2007            Idea Wild: in-kind funding of binoculars and telescopes – $740

2005            Zoological Society of London: co-funding towards production of ‘Mammals of Mongolia’ field guide – $5,000

2005            World Bank Netherlands Trust Fund: production of ‘Mammals of Mongolia’ field guide – $15,000

2005            Denver Zoological Foundation: towards production of ‘Birds of Mongolia’ field guide – $5,000

2004            World Bank Netherlands Trust Fund: ‘‘Raising Environmental Quality of Private Sector Development in Mongolia’ (with Development Steppes NGO) – $50,000

2001            Marwell Preservation Trust: thesis research in Mongolia – £1,000 ($1,600)

1998-2000   Foundation for Reserves Przewalski horse: in-kind funding for thesis research in Mongolia

1998            Dinam Charitable Trust: thesis research in Mongolia – £250 ($400)

1997            International Fund for Animal Welfare: thesis research in Mongolia – £1,000 ($1,600)


2019/2020          Committee member for Jeffrey Rodriguez – Masters student, Colorado State University, USA
Spring 2019        Undergraduate mentor under the SUPER program, Colorado State University
May 2018            External examiner for Sarah Medill – Doctoral student, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Fall 2018              Guest Lecturer – Horse Behavior, Colorado State University – seminar on horse behavior for the CSU Animal
Welfare Judging Team.
Nov 2017             Examiner for Charli de Vos – Masters student, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Fall 2010               Guest Lecturer – Field Methods in Zoology & Botany, University of Colorado at Boulder – seminar on
conservation biology, plus assisted teaching during field course on survey techniques.
2005-2006            Lecturer/Instructor – Conservation Biology and Field Techniques, National University of Mongolia – on 5 field
courses for Mongolian undergraduates.
2005-2006           Instructor – Environmental Impact Assessment Best Practice – for Mongolian environmental professionals.
1999 – 2001       Demonstrator (TA equivalent) – Queen Mary, University of London

Autumn 1999, 2000: Behavioral Ecology
Spring 2000, 2001: Statistics



  • Abstract review for North American Conference of Conservation Biology, Denver, CO 2020.
  • Serving on the International Affairs and Global Engagement Committee, Warner College of Natural Resources,
    Colorado State University (2019-present)
  • Member of the Society of Conservation Biology Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity committee (2017 to 2019)
  • Mentor under the 2016 Women in Ecology Mentoring Scheme organized by the British Ecological Society (2017-
  • Judge of student posters and presentations at the Wildlife Society Meeting, Raleigh NC, 2016
  • Postdoctoral liaison between the Museum/EBIO department and the Postdoctoral Association of Colorado (2011 to 2013)


  • Moderator of IUCN/SSC Equid Specialist Group Facebook group and Google newsgroup (2019-present)
  • Moderator of the MongolBioweb newsgroup, which disseminated items about conservation and biology relevant to Mongolia among ~400 members (2005 to 2016)
  • Took part in the Guinness World Record breaking ‘Largest Media Scavenger Hunt’ (2011, 2012), including record for most pledges of Acts of Kindness (2012)
  • Volunteer for the LPO (French bird society) on bird surveys, Bonneli’s Eagle breeding survey and as part of a network to transport injured wildlife (2007 to 2010)
  • Volunteered for the Mammal Conservation Trust catching fallow deer in nets (1994 to 1997)
  • Member of a University of Cambridge expedition surveying the northern group of the Cook Islands (1993)
  • Volunteered at the Iberian Wolf Recovery Center, Portugal (1993)

Scientific Society Memberships

Society for Behavioural Ecology
Society for Conservation Biology
The Wildlife Society
Animal Behavior Society
The Nature Conservancy
British Ecological Society
Mammal Society


Scientific coordinator: Equus photography book by Tim Flach (2008. Abrams, London); Caught in the Moment program 9, Tigress Productions (2006).

Interviews: English language and Mongolian language newspapers about Mongolian Regional Red List (2005); BBC Radio Scotland and BBC Radio 5 Live about IUCN downlisting of Przewalski’s horse (2005); Boulder Daily Camera about mammals and climate change (2014).

Further training

2019           Department of Interior Aviation Safety Training (A-100, A-116, A-200)
2017           Wilderness First Aid – USGS, Fort Collins, Colorado
2017           Data Carpentry Workshop, NDIC – Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
2017           Wildlife Necropsy Workshop – Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Fort Collins, Colorado.
2014           NSC Defensive Driving Course 10th Edition R2 – USGS (subsequently kept up to date)
2010           Effective Conservation Leadership course – Smithsonian Institution, Front Royal, Virginia.
2006           Assessing threatened status of species using the IUCN Categories and Criteria Version 3.1 – ZSL and IUCN at National
University of Mongolia.
2004           Remote Sensing for Conservationists – American Museum of Natural History at the Southwestern Research Centre, AZ.
2000           International School of Ethology 17th Workshop: Ethology and Conservation – Erice, Sicily.
1998/1999  Arcview GIS training at Hustai National Park, Mongolia.


French – fluent
Mongolian – basic