Sarah King

Wild burrow on prairie
Wild horses.
Wild horse silhouette with clouds
Sarah King field site.
Two wild horses

Publications (Selected/Recent)

Pacific, M., Cristiano, A., Lumbierres, M. … King, S.R.B. … Wiesel, L. 2023. ‘Drivers of habitat availability for terrestrial mammals’. Global Change Biology. In press.

Esmaeili, S., Schoenecker, K. & King, S.R.B. 2023. ‘Browsers or grazers? New insights into feral burro diet using a non-invasive sampling and plant DNA metabarcoding approach’. Animals. 13: 2683.

King, S.R.B., Cole, M., Barton, C., & Schoenecker, K. 2023 ‘Proximate factors affecting mortality and maternal abandonment of young free-roaming feral horse foals’. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. Online early.

Schoenecker, K., Esmaeili, S. & King, S.R.B. 2023. ‘Seasonal resource selection and movement ecology of free-ranging horses in the Western USA’. Journal of Wildlife Management. 87: e22341.

King, S.R.B. & Schoenecker, K. 2022. ‘Application of tail transmitters for tracking feral horses as an alternative to radio collars. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 46(4): e1338.

Bechert, U. S., Turner, J. W., Baker, D. L., Eckery, D. C., Bruemmer, J., Lyman, C. C., Prado, T, King, S.R.B., & Fraker, M. 2022. ‘Fertility control options for management of free-roaming horse populations’. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 16: 179-216.

King, S.R.B., Schoenecker, K., & Cole, M. 2022. ‘Effect of adult male sterilization on the behavior and social associations of a feral polygynous ungulate: the horse’. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 249: 105598.

Esmaeili, S., Jesmer, B. R., Albeke, S. E., Aikens, E. O., King, S.R.B., et al. 2021. ‘Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: a cross-taxa test of the Forage Maturation Hypothesis’. Ecology Letters. 24(10):2178-2191.

Schoenecker, K., King, S.R.B., & Messmer, T.A. 2021. ‘The wildlife profession’s duty in achieving science-based sustainable management of free-roaming equids’. Journal of Wildlife Management. 85(6): 1057-1061.

Schoenecker, K. A., Oyler-McCance, S., Ekernas, L., King, S.R.B. 2021. ‘Using fecal DNA and closed-capture models to estimate feral horse population size’. Journal of Wildlife Management. 85(6): 1150-1161

McCain, C., King, S.R.B. & Szewczyk, T. 2021. ‘Unusually large upward shifts in cold-adapted, montane mammals as temperature warms’. Ecology. 102(4): e03300
King, S.R.B., Schoenecker, K. A., Fike, J., & Oyler-McCance, S. 2021. ‘Feral horse space use and genetic characteristics from fecal DNA’. Journal of Wildlife Management. 85(6): 1074-1083

Bolam, F., Mair, L., Angelico, M., Brooks,T., Burgman, M., Hermes, C., Hoffmann, M., … King, S.R.B., et al. 2020. ‘How many bird and mammal extinctions has recent conservation action prevented?’. Conservation Letters. e12762: 1-11.

Hennig, J., Scasta, J.D., Beck, J., Schoenecker, K., & King, S.R.B. 2020. ‘Systematic Review of Equids and Telemetry Collars: Implications for Deployment and Reporting’. Wildlife Research. 47: 361-371.

Schoenecker, K., King, S.R.B. & Collins, G. 2020. ‘Evaluation of the impacts of radio-marking devices on feral horses and burros in a captive setting’. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 14(1):73-86.

Crooks, K.R., Burdett, C.L., Theobald, D.M., King, S.R.B., Di Marco, M., Rondinini, C., & Boitani, L. 2017. ‘Quantification of habitat fragmentation reveals extinction risk in terrestrial mammals’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114: 7635-7640.

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