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This summary includes publications first published online and/or in print during October 2013. If a publication was missed for this period, please contact Amanda Morrison at

In Print

Koyama A., Wallenstein M.D., Simpson R.T., Moore J.C. (2013) Carbon-Degrading Enzyme Activities Stimulated by Increased Nutrient Availability in Arctic Tundra Soils. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77212.

McDowell, N. G., R. A. Fisher, C. Xu, J. C. Domec, T. Hölttä, D. S. Mackay, J. S. Sperry, A. Boutz, L. Dickman, N. Gehres, J. M. Limousin, A. Macalady, J. Martínez-Vilalta, M. Mencuccini, J. A. Plaut, J. Ogée, R. E. Pangle, D. P. Rasse, M. G. Ryan, S. Sevanto, R. H. Waring, A. P. Williams, E. A. Yepez, and W. T. Pockman. 2013a. Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel–experiment framework. New Phytologist 200:304–321.

McDowell, N. G., M. G. Ryan, M. J. B. Zeppel, and D. T. Tissue. 2013b. Feature: Improving our knowledge of drought-induced forest mortality through experiments, observations, and modeling. New Phytologist 200:289–293.

Nelson, K., M. Rocca, M. Diskin, C. Aoki, and W. Romme. 2013. Predictors of bark beetle activity and scale-dependent spatial heterogeneity change during the course of an outbreak in a subalpine forest. Landscape Ecology:1–13.


Bell, C., Y. Carrillo, C. M. Boot, J. D. Rocca, E. Pendall, and M. D. Wallenstein. 2013. Rhizosphere stoichiometry: are C : N : P ratios of plants, soils, and enzymes conserved at the plant species-level? New Phytologist.

Cotrufo, F.M., J. Soong, M. L. Vandegehuchte, T. Nguyen, K. Denef, E. A. Shaw, Z. A. Sylvain, C. Milano de Tomasel, U. N. Nielsen, D. H. Wall. 2013.  Naphthalene addition to soil surfaces: A feasible method to reduce soil micro-arthropods with negligible direct effects on soil C dynamics.  Applied Soil Ecology.

Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Maestre F.T., Gallardo A., Bowker M.A., Wallenstein M.D., Quero J.L., Ochoa V., Gozalo B., García-Gómez M., Soliveres S., García-Palacios P., Berdugo M., Valencia E., Escolar C., Arredondo T., Barraza-Zepeda C., Bran D., Carreira J.A., Chaieb M., Conceição A.A., Derak M., Eldridge D.J., Escudero A., Espinosa C.I., Gaitán J. et al.  Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands.  Nature 502, 672–676 (31 October 2013)

Gomez, J. D., K. Denef, C. E. Stewart, J. Zheng, and M. F. Cotrufo. 2013. Biochar addition rate influences soil microbial abundance and activity in temperate soils. European Journal of Soil Science.

Hanan, N. P., A. T. Tredennick, L. Prihodko, G. Bucini, and J. Dohn. 2013. Analysis of stable states in global savannas: is the CART pulling the horse? Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Nie, M., Pendall, E., Bell, C., & Wallenstein, M. D. (2013). Soil aggregate size distribution mediates microbial climate change feedbacks. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.