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This summary includes publications first published online and/or in print during December 2013. If a publication was missed for this period, please contact Amanda Morrison at

In Print

Dejun L., C. Schädel, M.L. Haddix, E.A. Paul, R. Conant, J. Li, J. Zhou,  and Y. Luo. Differential responses of soil organic carbon fractions to warming: Results from an analysis with data assimilation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume 67, December 2013, Pages 24–30

Luizza, M.W., Young, H., Kuroiwa, C., Evangelista, P., Worede, A., Bussmann, R.W., & Weimer, A. 2013. Local knowledge of plants and their uses among women in the Bale Mountains, EthiopiaEthnobotany Research and Applications 11: 315-339.


Fulé, P. Z., T. W. Swetnam, P. M. Brown, D. A. Falk, D. L. Peterson, C. D. Allen, G. H. Aplet, M. A. Battaglia, D. Binkley, C. Farris, R. E. Keane, E. Q. Margolis, H. Grissino-Mayer, C. Miller, C. H. Sieg, C. Skinner, S. L. Stephens, and A. Taylor. 2013. Unsupported inferences of high-severity fire in historical dry forests of the western United States: response to Williams and Baker. Global Ecology and Biogeography:n/a–n/a.