Agriculture and Land Use National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Software logo.
Old tractor and tilling system.
Grazing cattle near body of water.
Crops on a hillside.
Thick vegetated hillside.
Image of holly.
Image of corn.


Request a User Name and Password:

If you would like to download the ALU software, please go to the registration page: Registration Page.

After completing the form your request will be processed in 2-3 days and login credentials will be sent to your email address.

Login to Download Software:

Please login to access the software download page:


Two versions of the ALU software are available for download, including a) Version 6.0 based on the methods in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, and b) Version 4.5 based on the 1996 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Good Practice Guidance Documents from 2000 and 2003. Both versions can be used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainty for source categories in the Agricultural and LULUCF sectors (also known as the Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines). Version 4.5 includes methods to estimate greenhouse gas mitigation potentials, which is anticipated to be included in future releases of version 6.0. Note that databases are not compatible between version 6.0 and 4.5 due to changes in data requirements and methods between the two sets of IPCC guidelines. Please contact the ALU software development team if you have questions

Important! Before attempting to install ALU software, make sure that you have Administrative privileges on your computer, as it will install ALU in the Programs folder. Please see your technical support staff to help you with this if needed. Please download and read the ALU Installation Instructions for more detailed instructions.

Download Software:

ALU Software: (Version ALU Software: (Version 4.5)
(Based on 2006 IPCC Guidelines) (Based on 1996 IPCC Guidelines
and Good Practice Guidance)
ALU Software-Version (10-01-2020) ALU Software-Version 4.5 (01-19-2017)
Installation Instructions-v6.1 (09-07-2018) Installation Instructions-v4.5 (01-19-2017)
ALU Release Notes-v6.1.0.4 (10-01-2020) ALU Release Notes-v4.5.3 (01-19-2017)

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