Stacy Lynn

Stacy Lynn - Curriculum Vitae
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
PhD, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology: 2010
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Advisor: Dr. Michael B. Coughenour
Dissertation Title: Cultivating the savanna: Implications of land use change for wildlife conservation and Maasai livelihoods in East Africa
MSc, Rangeland Ecosystem Science: 2000
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Advisor: Dr. James E. Ellis
Thesis Title: Conservation policy and local ecology: Effects on Maasai land use patterns and human welfare in northern Tanzania
BS, Elementary Education: 1990
Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
2012-Current Research Scientist I & II (2014), Ecologist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL), Warner College of Natural Resources (WCNR), Colorado State University
Responsibilities: Build intra-collegiate, international and domestic research and education partnerships; write collaborative and independent grant proposals and develop budgets to solicit external funds to support research through grant writing; project management; write project reports; manage budgets; design and build citizen science program and tools as a member of the development team; create both social science and ecological science tools for data collection on sustainability projects in East Africa and in the U.S.; co-lead The Africa Center, a pan-university unit within SoGES that brings together people working and interested in Africa; develop and implement short course on Systems Thinking and Situation Assessment for American and Kenyan graduate students and practitioners; mentor CSU and University of Nairobi (UoN) graduate and undergraduate students; collaborate with international and domestic colleagues on project design, coordination and implementation; manage the development of a collaborative (CSU and UoN faculty) online course related to dryland ecosystems and societies. Participate in NREL strategic planning committee and subcommittees, and in re-branding NREL and its website.
2014-Current Faculty Member, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, CSU
2014-Current Faculty Affiliate, CSU Water Center, CSU
2014-Current SoGES Scholar, School of Global Environmental Sustainability, CSU
2012-Current Faculty Affiliate, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability (ESS), WCNR, CSU
2011-Current Faculty Affiliate, Center for Disaster and Risk Analysis (CDRA), College of Liberal Arts, CSU
2014-2015 Research and Engagement Coordinator, North Central Climate Science Center (NC CSC), Colorado State University
Responsibilities: Build an institutional communications program; facilitate university consortium research, communication and collaboration; manage grant proposal submissions and projects; coordinate outreach and engagement across research projects, and with other partners; co-organize a climate change conference (spring 2015).
2011-2012 Research Associate, Ecologist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL), WCNR, CSU
Responsibilities: Work as part of a research team to manage research projects and activities; conduct meetings related to research projects; manage budgets; participate in the writing of grant proposals.
2008-2011 Program Coordinator, Center for Collaborative Conservation (CCC), WCNR, CSU
Responsibilities: Co-design and Coordinate a Collaborative Conservation Fellows Program for graduate students, faculty and conservation practitioners; reviewed proposals for the 2009, 2010 & 2011 Fellows Program; co-authoring a paper on trends in collaborative conservation; co-developed and taught a collaborative conservation course; co-organized the 2010 CCC collaborative conservation retreat with 40 participants; co-organized a 250-participant collaborative conservation conference; participated in CCC Design and Development Team; coordinating the 2008-2011 Seminar and Discussion Series; represent CCC at professional meetings; performed literature reviews; participate in fundraising activities; supervise and mentor undergraduate student interns; designed Center’s brochure and posters; write press release announcements; maintain website.
2010 Consultant, Global Climate Change Adaptation Partnership and Stockholm Environment Institute
Responsibilities: Delivered a report on the pastoral to agro-pastoral transition in Tanzania.
2009 Fellow, United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security and Munich Re Foundation
Third Summer Academy, “Tipping points in humanitarian crisis”, Hohenkammer, Germany
2006-2007 Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts, CSU
Responsibilities: Performed literature reviews; constructed household interviews.
2001-2004 Graduate Research Assistant, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, WCNR, CSU
Responsibilities: Independently planned, organized, and implemented three field seasons in Tanzania; obtained research permissions from all levels of government; arranged travel; designed field study plan and techniques to collect both ecological data and household interviews; established and managed a permanent research camp; collected data; maintained vehicle; hired and supervised employees; met with village leaders on a regular basis; performed community outreach and support activities; actively learned and used Kiswahili for all fieldwork; analyzed interview and wildlife data using various statistics programs and GIS techniques (ArcMap); acquired funds to hold feedback and discussion meetings with communities, NGOs, and government officials (2007, 2010).
2000-2001 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technician, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, CSU
Responsibilities: Created digital maps and professional posters using digital soils data, performed various GIS-based analyses
1997-1999 Graduate Research Assistant, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, WCNR, CSU
Responsibilities: Planned, organized, and implemented data collection in Tanzania; designed household interviews; collected household interview data; maintained vehicle; met with village leaders; performed community outreach and support activities, analyzed spatial and social data and reported results in both written and oral formats.
1994-1996 Teacher Trainer, U.S. Peace Corps, Namibia
- Teacher Trainer, Otjiwarongo Teachers’ Resource Centre: Served 21 regional schools, planned and presented training sessions on all aspects of K-12 education, managed library.
- Teacher, Karundu Primary School: Taught grades 5 and 7 English and Science.
- Volunteer, Cheetah Conservation Fund: Performed research, captive animal support, education program development and implementation, outreach and grant-writing.
- Founder and Director, Earthwise Environmental Club (EEC) of Otjiwarongo: Established and ran an active club in two primary schools and one secondary school, membership of 60 students, trained replacement director.
- Member, Namibian Environmental Education Network: Acted as a representative for the Otjozondjupa Region to draft the first national policy for environmental education, Namibia.
1991-1994 Elementary School Teacher, Collington Square Elementary School #97, Baltimore City School District, MD
Responsibilities: Taught 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades, all subjects. Organized after school Science Club.
Spr 2016 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
Fa 2016 Curriculum Development and Teaching, ESS495: Taking a Systems Approach to Social
(upcoming) ecological dryland systems. Course developed for the East African – International Research Experience for Students (EA-IRES) Fellows. Preparatory for field experience in Kenya for five undergraduate students. Content on drylands (with a focus on Africa and Kenya), social-ecological systems, methods, and systems thinking. Spr2016 Included guided preparation of a research proposal, research tool development (interviews, focus groups, and/or ecological studies) and IRB process completion. Heavy student mentoring. Proposal and tool development being separated out of this course for Fa2016.
Fa 2016 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
(upcoming) Curriculum Development and Teaching, ESS220: Research Skills for Ecosystem Science I. Revising and teaching this three-credit course for sophomore and junior undergraduates who are looking for experience in ecological research. Includes professional skills, developing research questions, literature review, ecological field methods, data collection and management, participatory research and citizen science, research ethics, and more.
Fa 2016 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
(upcoming) Curriculum Development and Teaching, Independent Research. Mentor. Continue mentoring 5 undergraduate EA-IRES students through data entry, analysis, and write-up of results to create a community stakeholder report for field research conducted in Samburu County, Kenya, Summer 2016.
Sum 2016 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
Curriculum Development and Teaching, ESS495: Independent Research Mentoring. Directed field experience in Kenya for five undergraduate students. Reinforced curriculum of previous seminar. Heavy student mentoring in the development, refinement, and implementation of student-driven research projects that involved social science methods of semi-structured interviews and focus groups with men and women in Samburu County, Kenya. Will continue for 2017 & 2018 cohorts.
Fa13-Fa14 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
Curriculum Development, Sustainable African Dryland Ecosystems and Societies. Coordinating development of an interdisciplinary course that takes a broad systems perspective of African drylands. Co-developing with 9 CSU and 14 University of Nairobi (UoN) instructors to be offered online at both universities. May also be offered as a free online course in addition to the for-credit courses being developed for CSU and UoN. Approved as an experimental course. Will serve as lead instructor when finalized and implemented.
Spr 2013-15 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
Curriculum Development and Teaching, Skills for Undergraduate Participation in Ecological Research. Developed curriculum and taught a module on developing an elevator speech.
Fa 2012-16 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, WCNR, CSU
Curriculum Development and Teaching, Skills for Undergraduate Participation in Ecological
Research. Developed curriculum and co-taught a module on communication of science, and qualities of a good mentee (with D. M. Swift and K. Holfelder)
Spr 2013 Center for Collaborative Conservation, WCNR, CSU
Developed and taught one module for the Center for the Collaborative Conservation Fellows Retreat, Situation Assessment for Collaborative Action and Research
Spr 2012 Developed and taught module for the Center for the Collaborative Conservation Fellows Retreat, Situation Assessment for Collaborative Action and Research
Co-developed and co-taught a second module on the topic of Conflict Resolution
Spr 2010 Department of Human Dimensions of NR, WCNR, CSU
Curriculum Development and Teaching, Collaborative Conservation NR543b. Developed curriculum and evaluation tools, and co-taught a new course as part of a team for the Conservation Leadership Through Learning (CLTL) program.
Fa 2009 Natural Resource Ecology Lab, WCNR, CSU
Curriculum Development and Teaching, NR581 Ecology and Society in Semi-Arid Africa. Developed course content and taught two weeks of a new 15-week course. Lectures focused on drivers of change in semi-arid Africa.
Spr 2008 Department of Forest Rangeland & Watershed Stewardship, WCNR, CSU
& Fa 2005 Mentor, NR495 Ecological Undergraduate Research Experience.
Mentored four students (Junior to post-baccalaureate) in participatory data collection, data entry, GIS, data analysis, and results presentation in oral, paper and poster format.
Newman, G., N. Kaplan, R. Scarpino, S. Newman, A. Crall, S. Lynn (in review). Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization, In: Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation: A Practitioner’s Guide, Eds: Christopher A. Lepczyk, Timothy L. Vargo, and Owen D. Boyle
Lynn, S. J. 2010. Cultivating the savanna: Implications of land use change for wildlife conservation and Maasai livelihoods in East Africa. Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Colorado. Dissertation. 312 p.
Lynn, S. J. 2010. Crisis aversion in an uncertain world: Cultivation by East African pastoralists. In: Shen, Xiaomeng; Thomas E. Downing; Mohamed Hamza (Eds.): Tipping Points in Human Vulnerability, SOURCE No. 13/2010, United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security, Bonn. 65:80.
Lynn, S. J., Matthias Garschagen, Shabana Khan, Jessica Lehman, Georgina Drew, Vivek Prasad, Johnson Nkem, Josphat Mushongah, and the 4th Munich Re Foundation/UNU-EHS Summer Academy participants. 2010. Scoping Paper — Introducing a “Hot System” Approach to Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises. In: Shen, Xiaomeng; Thomas E. Downing; Mohamed Hamza (Eds.): Tipping Points in Human Vulnerability, SOURCE No. 13/2010, United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security, Bonn. 14:21.
Galvin, K. A., J. Ellis, R. B. Boone, A. L. Magennis, N. M. Smith, S. J. Lynn and P. Thornton. 2002. Compatibility of pastoralism and conservation? A test case using integrated assessment in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. In: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development. D. Chatty and M. Colester, eds, Berghahn, Oxford.
Galvin, K. A., R. B. Boone, N. M. Smith, S. J. Lynn. 2001. Impacts of climate variability on East African pastoralists: Linking social science and remote sensing. Climate Research, 19:161-172.
Boone, R. B., K. A. Galvin, N. M. Smith, S. J. Lynn. 2000. Generalizing El Nino effects upon Maasai livestock using hierarchical clusters of vegetation patterns. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66:737-744.
Lynn, S. J. 2000. Conservation policy and local ecology: Effects on Maasai land use patterns and human welfare in northern Tanzania. Department of Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Master’s Thesis: 128 p.
Lynn, S. J. 2010. The pastoral to agro-pastoral transition in Tanzania: Human adaptation in an ecosystem context. Report to the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership. August 2010.
Lynn, S. J. 2010. Land-use change in Simanjiro, Tanzania: Finding balance between livelihoods and wildlife conservation. Final research report to communities and stakeholders. July 2010.
Lynn, S. J. 2008. The economy of change: Livelihood diversification and land use change in Simanjiro, Tanzania. Research Brief by the USAID Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, University of California, Davis. June 2008.
Lynn, S. J. 2007. International Trip Report – Project: Policy Options for Livestock-Based Livelihoods and Ecosystem Conservation (POLEYC).” Report to the USAID Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, University of California, Davis. December 2007.
Lynn, S. J. 2007. The economy of change: Livelihood diversification and land use change in Simanjiro, Tanzania and considerations of climate change. Paper presented at the 6th TAWIRI Scientific Conference (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute), Conference Proceedings. Arusha, Tanzania. 3-6 December.
Lynn, S. J. 2006. Land use change, consumption and loss in a pastoral community: Trends of livestock herding and cultivation by the Simanjiro Maasai. Report to the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya. June 2006.
Lynn, S. J. 2003. Local ecology impacts on Maasai pastoral settlement patterns and cattle movement in northern Tanzania. In Tenure, livelihoods and sustainable development – Rangelands as systems for multiple land use and livelihood support session of the 2003 International Rangelands Congress, 26 July – 1 August 2003, Durban, South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 20(02): 206.
Runyoro, A. V.., K. A. Galvin, P. K. Thornton, S. J. Lynn, and J. Sunderland. 2003. Livelihood strategies: The Maasai pastoralists of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, Second Annual Meeting. Workshop Proceedings. Arusha, Tanzania.
Ellis, J., S. Lynn, J. Mworia, J. Kinyamario, S. BurnSilver, M. Maskini, R. Kidunda, R. Reid, M. Rainy, A. Mwilawa and V. Runyoro (2001). Ecosystem interactions: Implications for human welfare and wildlife conservation. In: A System for Integrated Management and Assessment of East African Pastoral Lands. Balancing Food Security, Wildlife Conservation, and Ecosystem Integrity. R. Boone and M. Coughenour, eds. Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Fort Collins, Colorado. Final Report to the USAID GL-CRSP, University of California, Davis. May 2001.
Lynn, S. J., G. Newman, R. Scarpino, R. Hauptfeld, M. Laituri and N. Kaplan. – Helping you do great science! Poster Presentation. National Science Foundation SI2 PI Workshop, February 16-17, 2016, Arlington, Virginia.
Lynn, S.J., G. Newman and B. Fauver. A citizen science platform contributes to wildlife conservation in the US and beyond: A case study of American Pika. Oral presentation for the 2016 Pathways Conference, “Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management”, Nanyuki, Kenya, January 11-14, 2016.
- Newman, B. Fauver, S. Lynn, M. Laituri. CitSci.Org: A comprehensive citizen science support platform. Oral Presentation for the Citizen Science 2015 Conference, San Jose, CA. February 11-12, 2015.
- Newman, R. Scarpino, B. Fauver, S. Lynn, M. Laituri. CitSci.Org Metadata Tool Box: Ensuring integrity and expanding application of citizen science data. Poster Presentation for the Citizen Science 2015 Conference, San Jose, CA. February 11-12, 2015.
Lynn, S. J. and D. M. Swift. Losing disequilibrium: the power of governance to drive African dryland sustainability. Oral Seminar Presentation for the NREL Fall 2014 Seminar Series: “Sense and Sustainability”. November 14, 2014.
Greg Newman, Russell Scarpino, Nicole Kaplan, Stacy Lynn, and Melinda Laituri. CitSci.Org: Comprehensive Citizen Science Support. Oral Presentation (by GN) for the NREL Research Symposium. November 20, 2014.
Lynn, S. J., R.B. Boone, and M.C. Coughenour. Responses to cultivation at multiple scales: Implications for land use and conservation policy in Tanzania’s Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem. Oral Presentation for the 2014 Pathways conference, Estes Park, CO. October 5-9, 2014. Scheduled Oct 6, 2014.
Reid, R.S., V. L. Scharf, E. C. Huayhuaca, S.J. Lynn, K. Loyd and C. Jandreau. Collaborative conservation in practice: current state and future directions. Talk (by RSR and ECH) for the Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance – Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges , Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. May 17-20, 2011.
Lynn, S. J. 2011. Wildlife responses to cultivation at multiple scales: Implications for land use and conservation policy in Tanzania’s Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem. Poster for the 2011 CSU Research Colloquium, Africa Rising – New Research and Enterprise Solutions to Old Development Problems, Fort Collins, CO. March 30-31, 2011.
Lynn, S. J. 2010. Wildlife conservation in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem of northern Tanzania: the role of land rights and collaboration. Talk presented at the Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management Meeting, Estes Park, CO. September 27 – October 1, 2010.
Lynn, S. J. 2010. Maasai Cultivation in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania: A Controversial Land-use Change Sustaining Pastoral Futures. Invited paper presented in an organized session at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) Meeting, Washington, DC. 14-18 April 2010.
Lynn, S. J. 2009. The economy of change: Livelihood diversification and land use change in Simanjiro, Tanzania. Invited paper presented at the USAID Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program final conference, Naivasha, Kenya. 16-19 June.
Lynn, S. 2009. Maasai cultivation as a rapid recovery mechanism: A controversial land-use change sustaining pastoral futures. The Fifteenth Annual Front Range Student Ecology Symposium. Ft. Collins, CO. 25 Feb.
Lynn, S. J. 2007. The economy of change: Livelihood diversification and land use change in Simanjiro, Tanzania and considerations of climate change.” Invited paper presented at the 6th TAWIRI Scientific Conference (Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute), Arusha, Tanzania. 3-6 December.
Lynn, S. J. 2002. Finding balance in a changing system: an integrated assessment of the pastoral-agricultural-wildlife interface in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania.” Invited poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the USAID Global Livestock – Collaborative Research Support Program (GL-CRSP), Washington, DC, October.
Runyoro, A. V., K. A. Galvin, P. Thornton, S. J. Lynn and J. Sunderland. 2001. Livelihood strategies: The Maasai pastoralists of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Paper presented (by AVR) at the 2nd Annual Meetings of the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, December 4-6, Arusha, Tanzania.
Lynn, S. J. 2001. Ecological effects of Maasai pastoral settlement patterns and cattle migration distances. Poster presented at the 86th annual ESA meeting, Madison, Wisconsin. August.
Lynn, S. J., J. E. Ellis, R. B. Boone. 2001. Ecological effects on Maasai pastoral settlement patterns and cattle migration distances. Poster presented at the Graduate Research and Creativity Symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. March.
Lynn, S. J., J. E. Ellis, R. B. Boone. 2001. Ecological effects on Maasai pastoral settlement patterns and cattle migration distances. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. March 14-15.
Lynn, S. J. 2000. Political and economic impacts on Maasai pastoralist land use patterns: Implications for policy in multiple-use areas. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference of the USAID Global Livestock – Collaborative Research Support Program (GL-CRSP), Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico, March.
Galvin, K. A., J. Ellis, R. B. Boone, A. Magennis, N. M. Smith and S. J. Lynn. 1999. Compatibility of pastoralism and conservation? A test case in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Invited paper presented (by KAG) at the Conference on Displacement, Forced Settlement and Conservation, St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, September.
Lynn, S. J., J. Ellis, K. Galvin and N. Smith. 1999. Ecological impacts on Maasai pastoralist land use patterns: Implications for conservation policy in multiple-use areas. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress, International Association of Landscape Ecology, Snowmass, CO. July-August.
Galvin, K. A., R. B. Boone, N. M. Smith, and S. J. Lynn. 1999. Impacts of climate variability on East African pastoralists: linking social science and remote sensing. Invited presentation given (by KAG) at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tucson, Arizona. April.
Galvin, K. A., A. Magennis, J. E. Ellis, S. Lynn, and N. Smith. 1999. Effects of Conservation Policy on Human Well-being: A Comparative Study of Pastoral Maasai Nutrition and Economy in Northern Tanzania. Poster presented (by KAG) at the annual meetings of the Human Biology Association, Columbus, OH. April
Lynn, S., J. Ellis, and K. A. Galvin. 1999. The impact of conservation policy on human land use patterns: A case study of Maasai Pastoralists in northern Tanzania. The Fifth Annual Front Range Student Ecology Symposium. Ft. Collins, CO. April.
Galvin, K. A., R. B. Boone, N. M. Smith and S. J. Lynn. 1999. Impacts of climate variability on East African pastoralists: Linking Social Science and Remote Sensing. Invited paper presented (by KAG) in the session on Social Science and Dimensions and Policy Contributions to Climate Change Research: African Perspectives. The Society of Applied Anthropology Meetings, Tucson. April.
Water is blood; water is life. Water governance in northwestern Kenya. Oral Presentation for international IGNITE: Environmental Politics and Governance event at CSU, March 21, 2016.
Panel discussion on social research in conservation. March 2016. Colorado State University, Conservation Leadership Through Learning (CLTL) program.
“People and wildlife in the village – Whose land is it anyway?” April 2013. Colorado State University, Social Dynamics of Human-Wildlife Conflict, NR592.
“Risk, cost, and benefits among the powerful and the disenfranchised: A case study of livelihoods and wildlife conservation in Tanzania with considerations of borders, boundaries, and scale“ January 2012. Colorado State University, Equity and Environmental Justice Study Group.
“Adaptation and change in pastoral grassland systems: A case study of Simanjiro, northern Tanzania”. April 2010. Colorado State University, Humans in Ecosystems ANTH330. Guest lecture.
“Balancing vulnerabilities: the challenge of conservation in semi-arid northern Tanzania”. December 2009. Colorado State University, Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Stewardship Departmental Seminar
“Ecology and equity in Tanzanian Maasailand: Considerations for management and conservation”. March 2009. Colorado State University, Ecology and Environmental Equity in Africa. Guest lecture.
“Wildlife Management Areas of northern Tanzania: An example of community-based natural resource management or buffer zones in disguise?”, February 2005. Colorado State University. Community-Based-Conservation NR530 guest lecture.
“Maasailand ecology and cattle movement patterns in northern Tanzania”, November 2000. Colorado State University. Humans in Ecosystems AP530 guest lecture.
“The role of humans in ecosystems: Implications for the development of conservation policy in East Africa”, May 2000. Colorado State University. NR340 guest lecture.
“Maasai pastoralists: Looking at ecology and human land use in northern Tanzania”, April 2000. Colorado State University International Connections Lecture Series.
“Conservation and People – Can They Exist Together?”, April 2000. Poudre High School International Baccalaureate Program, Fort Collins Colorado.
2016 NSF SSI (Co-PI): A Cyberinfrastructure Support Framework for Citizen Science Software Integration (CyberFABRICS). With G. Newman and M. Laituri ($1,000,000)
2015 NSF IRES (PI): Student-led Social-ecological Research in the Drylands of Kenya. With J. Moore, R. Boone and K. Galvin ($249,950)
2015 CSU Water Center multidisciplinary proposal team grant (PI): “From Water Scarce to Water Source: The Governance of New Water in the Kenyan Drylands”. With M. Betsill and M. Laituri ($23,000)
2014 CSU Water Center multidisciplinary proposal team grant (PI): “From Water Scarce to Water Source: The Governance of New Water in the Kenyan Drylands”. With M. Betsill and M. Laituri ($30,000)
2013 NSF CNH Grant (Senior Personnel): “Assessing vulnerability of provisioning services in the southern highlands of Ethiopia”. With P. Evangelista, R. Boone, D. Swift, and K. Galvin. ($249,600)
2013 NSF SI2-SSE Grant (Co-PI): “Comprehensive software support for public participation in scientific research and socio-ecological resilience”. With G. Newman and M. Laituri. ($493,076)
2013 CSU School of Global Environmental Sustainability Global Challenges Research Grant (Co-PI): “Sustainable African Ecosystems and Societies under Global Change”. With K. Galvin, R. Reid, S. VandeWoude, J. Davis, and P. Evangelista. ($20,000)
2013 HED-Awarded Faculty Partnership Minigrant (Co-PI): “Integrating Local Communities into the Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts”. With M. Nyangito and C. Onyango, U. of Nairobi. ($8,000)
2012 CSU Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Program Development Funds Grant (PI): “EcoApps: Integrating Modern Mobile Technology into Social-Ecological Research at NREL”. With G. Newman ($6,700)
2011 USAID Higher Education and Development (HED) Grant (Co-PI and Project Manager): “Centre for Sustainable Drylands: A University Collaboration for Transforming Higher Education in Africa at the University of Nairobi”. With R. Reid, M. Coughenour, K. Galvin, and J. Njoka (Original 2011 Award: $1,100,000; 2014 Extension $270,000; Total Award $1,370,000)
2010 CSU Warner Mini-grant (Co-PI): Informing and learning from a broad range of stakeholders: Engaging with communities, NGOs, government agencies, and research colleagues to balance the needs of wildlife and livelihoods in Simanjiro, Tanzania. With D. Swift & M. Coughenour. To present at the 2010 Association of American Geographers meeting, and hold feedback meetings in Tanzania. Warner College of Natural Resources, CSU ($7,500)
2009 CSU Environmental Governance Working Group mini-grant, Travel grant to participate in the fourth UNU-EHS Munich Re Foundation Summer Academy (above), Munich, Germany, 26 July to 1 August 200 ($10,000).
2009 USAID GL-CRSP Travel grant and invitation to present graduate research at the Final Global Livestock CRSP Conference, Naivasha, Kenya 16-19 June, 2009.
2007 USAID GL-CRSP Travel grant to present graduate research at the 6th TAWIRI Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 3-6 December 2007, and to conduct community meetings to share the same information in three study area villages of Simanjiro, Tanzania. ($10,000)
2007 CSU James E. Ellis Memorial Scholarship (research support grant)
2005 CSU James E. Ellis Memorial Scholarship (research support grant)
2002 USAID GL-CRSP Jim Ellis Graduate Mentorship Program Award (research support grant)
2001 CSU Graduate School, Graduate Research Grant to present research at Ecological Society of America meeting, Madison, WI. August 2001
2001 CSU Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Graduate Fellowship Award (research grant)
2000 USAID GL-CRSP Travel grant to present graduate research at the GL – CRSP 2000 Annual Meeting, Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico
Proposals pending
2015 NSF CNH (PI): From Water Scarce to Water Source: The Ecology and Governance of Water in the Kenyan Drylands, Resubmission, Submitted 11/17/2015 ($1,800,000)
Current Graduate Students:
Conrad Marshall, Masters Student, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Co-advisor with M. Laituri)
Alex Niepoth, Masters Student, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability & US Peace Corps, Tanzania, Masters Internationalist (committee member)
Monika Shikongo, Masters Student, Conservation Leadership Through Learning (committee member)
Ashton Lamb, Masters Student, Conservation Leadership Through Learning (committee member)
Current Undergraduate Student Mentees:
Holly Cox, EA-IRES Program
Ashley Foster, EA-IRES Program
Sara Hines, EA-IRES Program & SUPER Program
Amanda Interpreter, EA-IRES Program
Hollie Skibstead, EA-IRES Program
Hunter Crizer, SUPER Program
2016 Bring Dr. Laurie Marker (Cheetah Conservation Fund, Namibia) to CSU for a guest lecture 4/2016, with The Africa Center and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
2016 Initiating potential Study Abroad site in Tanzania with CSU’s International Programs. Discussions beginning March 2016 for an alternate site for higher-risk Kenyan programs.
2016 Manuscript review for Journal of Rural and Community Development, Brandon University, Canada.
2015-16 Leadership Team for CSU’s Africa Center, a pan-university effort to link efforts and interest in Africa
2015-16 NREL Communications and Website Committee
2015-16 NREL Strategic Planning Committee
2010-16 Judge, Front Range Student Ecology Symposium
2015 Earth Systems Governance Group – Annual meeting abstract reviewer
2014 NREL External Advisory Committee, Planning Committee
2014 Participant in CSU’s SoGES GCRT: The Institutionalization of Equity and Environmental Justice at CSU: A Proposal for an Interdisciplinary Working Group
2014 AGU Session Co-convenor with Aranzazu Lascurain, Poster Session PA41A: New Opportunities in Global Change Collaboration: Utilizing Federal and University Partnerships to Develop Actionable and Needs-Driven Science Agendas Posters
2011-16 Review Panel Participant for NREL Fellowships (Francis Clark and Jim Ellis Memorial Fellowships), CSU
2010-13 Laurel Elementary School, Fort Collins, CO: Wellness Committee (2010-2013); Guest speaker on Wildlife and Conservation in Africa (4/2011, 3/2012)
2012 Environmental Governance Working Group, CSU: Developed and led a discussion group on Environmental Justice and Equity (10/2011 – 5/2012)
2012 Judge for the 2012 Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity Poster Session, 17 April 2012
2011 Ongoing member of the Environmental Governance Working Group, SoGES, CSU (since 2008)
2011 Founding member of Women, Population & Environment Working Group, SoGES, CSU (since 2010)
2010 Community meetings to present final research results to and get feedback from three study villages of Simanjiro and multiple NGO and governmental organizations, Tanzania. July 2010
2008 Member of the Student Environmental Leadership Network, SoGES
2008 Co-coordinator of the NREL Spring Seminar Series: Model-Data Fusion in Ecology
2007 Community meetings to present preliminary research results to and get feedback from three study villages of Simanjiro, Tanzania. Nov-Dec 2007
2007 Oral Session Judge, Front Range Student Ecology Symposium
2005 Poster Session Judge, Front Range Student Ecology Symposium
2001 Organizing Committee, Front Range Student Ecology Symposium
2001 Poudre High School, Fort Collins, CO: Organized a research-oriented outreach program
2000 Graduate Student Representative, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU
1998 USGS Volunteer – Wild Horse Research Project, Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range, MT
Swahili language fluency at the Intermediate level according to the standards of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
2011 Poster Pres. 3rd Prize – 2011 CSU Research Colloquium: Wildlife responses to cultivation at multiple scales: Implications for land use and conservation policy in Tanzania’s Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem
2009 Fourth UNU-EHS & Munich Re Foundation Summer Academy entitled, “Tipping Points in Human Vulnerability, Munich, Germany, 26 July to 1 August 2009. UNU-EHS, Munich Re Foundation
2000 Outstanding Graduate Student Award – Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU
2015 Canvas training for online course development – Colorado State University
2015 Vistrails – Habitat modeling training, USGS and North Central Climate Science Center
2008 Short Course: ArcGIS training
2003 Intermediate and Advanced Swahili language courses, Danish Volunteer Training Center (MS-TCDC), Usa River, Tanzania
2001 Wilderness First Responder Certification (currently expired); Wilderness First Aid (Active)
Citizen Science Association
International Association for Society and Natural Resources
Association of American Geographers
Earth Systems Governance Project (ESG)