Jody Vogeler

Lab Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Filippelli, S., Vogeler, J., Schleeweis, K., Fekety, P., & Nelson, M. 2024. Temporal transferability of remote sensing models for large area monitoring. Science of Remote Sensing. p.100119.
Vogeler, J.C., Fekety, P.A, Swayze, N.C., Filippelli, S.K., Barry, B., Elliot, L., Holbrook, J.D., & Vierling, K.T. 2023. Evaluating GEDI data fusions for continuous characterizations of forest wildlife habitat. Frontiers in Remote Sensing: Women in Remote Sensing Special Issue (Invited), 4, p.1196554.
Schultz, E., Filippelli, S.K., Vogeler, J.C., & Shriver, R.K. 2023. Density-dependent dynamics help explain the simultaneous expansion and decline of woodlands in the western US. Forest Ecology and Management, 546, p.121359.
Smith, A.B., Vogeler, J.C., Bjornlie, N.L., Squires, J.R., Swayze, N.C. & Holbrook, J.D. 2022. Spaceborne LiDAR and animal-environment relationships: An assessment for forest carnivores and their prey in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management, 520, p.120343.
Swayze, N.C., Tinkham, W.T., Vogeler, J.C., and Hudak, A.T. 2021. Influence of flight parameters on UAS-based monitoring of tree height, diameter, and density. Remote Sensing of Environment, 263, p.112540.
Creasy, M.B., Tinkham, W.T., Hoffman, C.M., and Vogeler, J.C. 2021. Potential for Individual Tree Monitoring in Ponderosa Pine-Dominated Forests Using Unmanned Aerial Systems Structure from Motion Point Clouds. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (ja).
Mauro, F., Hudak, A.T., Fekety, P.A., Frank, B., Temesgen, H., Bell, D.M., Gregory, M.J., and McCarley, T.R. 2021. Regional Modeling of Forest Fuels and Structural Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Oregon. Remote Sensing 13(2): 261.
Vogeler, J.C., Slesak, R.A., Fekety, P.A. and Falkowski, M.J. 2020. Characterizing over Four Decades of Forest Disturbance in Minnesota, USA. Forests, 11(3), p.362.
Filippelli, S.K., Vogeler, J.C., Falkowski, M.J. and Meneguzzo, D.M. 2020. Monitoring conifer cover: Leaf-off lidar and image-based tracking of eastern redcedar encroachment in central Nebraska. Remote Sensing of Environment, 248, p.111961.
Fekety, P.A., Crookston, N.L., Hudak, A.T., Filippelli, S.K., Vogeler, J.C., and Falkowski, M.J. 2020. Hundred year projected carbon loads and species compositions for four National Forests in the northwestern USA. Carbon Balance Management, 15(5).
Filippelli, S.K., Falkowski, M.J., Hudak, A.T., Fekety, P.A., Vogeler, J.C., Khalyani, A.H., Rau, B.M., and Strand, E.K. 2020. Monitoring pinyon-juniper cover and aboveground biomass across the Great Basin. Environmental Research Letters 15(2), 025004.
Hudak, A.T., Fekety, P.A., Kane, V.R., Kennedy, R.E., Filippelli, S.K., Falkowski, M.J., Tinkham, W.T., Smith, A.M.S., Crookston, N.L., Domke, G.M., Corrao, M.V., Bright, B.C., Churchill, D.J., Gould, P.J., McGaughey, R.J., Kane, J.T., and Dong, J. 2020. A carbon monitoring system for mapping regional, annual aboveground biomass across the northwestern USA. Environmental Research Letters. 15(9): 095003.
Reinhardt, J.R., Filippelli, S., Falkowski, M., Allred, B., Maestas, J.D., Carlson, J.C., Naugle, D.E. 2020. Quantifying Pinyon-Juniper Reduction within North America’s Sagebrush Ecosystem. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 73(3).
Mangan, A.O., Chestnut, T., Vogeler, J.C., Breckheimer, I.K., King, W.M., Bagnall, K.E. and Dugger, K.M. 2019. Barred Owls reduce occupancy and breeding propensity of Northern Spotted Owl in a Washington old-growth forest. The Condor, 121(3), p.duz031.
Lesmeister, D.B., Sovern, S.G., Davis, R.J., Bell, D.M, Gregory, M.J., and Vogeler, J.C. 2019. Mixed-severity wildfire and habitat of an old-forest obligate. Ecosphere, 10(4): e02696.
Fekety, P. A., Sadak. R.B., Sauder, J.D., Hudak, A.T., and Falkowski, M.J. 2019. Predicting Forest Understory Habitat for Canada Lynx Using Lidar Data. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 43: 619–629.
Filippelli, S.K., Lefsky, M.A., Rocca, M.E. 2019. Comparison and integration of lidar and photogrammetric point clouds for mapping pre-fire forest structure. Remote Sensing of Environment, 224: 154–166.
Fusco, E.J., Rau, B.M., Falkowski, M., Filippelli, S., Bradley, B.A., 2019. Accounting for aboveground carbon storage in shrubland and woodland ecosystems in the Great Basin. Ecosphere, 10, e02821.
Vogeler, J.C., Braaten, J.D., Slesak, R.A., and Falkowski, M.J. 2018. Extracting the full value of the Landsat archive: Inter-sensor harmonization for the mapping of Minnesota forest canopy cover (1973 -2015). Remote Sensing of Environment, 209: 363-374.
Bae, S., Muller, J., Lee, D., Vierling, K.T., Vogeler, J.C., Vierling, L.A., Hudak, A.T., Latifi, H., and Thorn, S. 2018. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bird assemblages are oppositely associated to productivity and heterogeneity in temperate forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215: 145-156.
Fekety, P. A., Falkowski, M.J., Hudak, A.T., Jain, T.B., and Evans, J.S. 2018. Transferability of lidar-derived basal area and stem density models within a northern Idaho ecoregion. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(2): 131-143.
Vogeler, J.C., Yang, Z., and Cohen, W.B. 2016. Mapping post-fire habitat characteristics through the fusion of remote sensing tools. Remote Sensing of Environment, 173: 294-303.
Vogeler, J.C., Yang, Z., and Cohen, W.B. 2016. Mapping Suitable Lewis’s Woodpecker Nesting Habitat in a Post-Fire Landscape. Northwest Science, 90(4), 421-432.
Vogeler, J.C., and Cohen, W.B. 2016. A review of the role of active remote sensing and data fusion for characterizing forest in wildlife habitat models. Revista de Teledetección, 45: 1-14. Special Issue: Active Remote Sensing of Forests.
Kline, J. D., Harmon, M.E., Spies, T.A., Morzillo, A.T., Pabst, R.J., McComb, B.C., Schnekenburger, F., Olsen, K.A., Csuti, B., and Vogeler, J.C. 2016. Evaluating carbon storage, timber harvest, and potential habitat possibilities for western Cascades (US) forests. Ecological Applications, 26(7): 2044–2059.
Lorenz, T., Vierling, K., Aycrigg, J., Vogeler, J., and Lonneker, J. 2015. Incorporating shrub and snag specific LiDAR data into GAP wildlife models. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 6(2): 437-447.
Vogeler, J. C., Hudak, A.T., Vierling, L.A., Evans, J., Green, P., and Vierling, K.T. 2014. Terrain and vegetation structural influences on local avian species richness in two mixed-conifer forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 147: 13-22.
Vierling, K.T., Swift, C.E., Hudak, A.T., Vogeler, J.C., and Vierling, L.A.. 2014. How much does the time lag between wildlife field-data collection and LiDAR-data acquisition matter for studies of animal distributions? A case study using bird communities. Remote Sensing Letters, 5(2): 185-193.
Vogeler, J.C., Hudak, A.T., Vierling, L.A., and Vierling, K.T. 2013. Lidar-derived canopy architecture predicts Brown Creeper occupancy of two western coniferous forests. The Condor, 115(3): 614-622.
Archived Spatial Data Products
Fekety, P.A., and A.T. Hudak. 2020. Field observations for “A carbon monitoring system for mapping regional, annual aboveground biomass across the northwestern USA”. Forest Service Research Data Archive Fort Collins, CO.
Filippelli, S.K., M.J. Falkowski, A.T. Hudak, and P.A. Fekety. 2020. Carbon Monitoring System: Pinyon-Juniper Forest Live Aboveground Biomass, Great Basin, USA, 2000-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Fekety, P.A., and A.T. Hudak. 2020. LiDAR Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Maps, Northwestern USA, 2002-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Fekety, P.A., and A.T. Hudak. 2019. Annual Aboveground Biomass Maps for Forests in the Northwestern USA, 2000-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Filippelli, S.K.; J.C. Vogeler, M.J. Falkowski, & D.M. Meneguzzo. 2021. Eastern redcedar percent canopy cover in the central Great Plains (1985-2018). Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
Vogeler, J. 2020. Most recent fast forest disturbances in Minnesota Version 4.0. Minnesota Geospatial Commons.
Vogeler, J. 2019. Annual canopy Cover (1973-2018) in Minnesota. Minnesota Geospatial Commons.