Randall Boone

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Dr. Randall Boone has been with the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory for more than 25 years and is a founding faculty member of the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. He is also a faculty member of the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology. Randall is a wildlife ecologist with training from Oregon State University and the University of Maine. He received his Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Maine in 1996. After completing graduate work, he joined Colorado State University. His experience is diverse, with research in agent-based modeling, spatial analyses and GIS, ecosystem modeling, landscape ecology, coupled-systems simulation, biogeographical relationships of birds and plants, species/habitat relationships, human food systems, and wildlife and pastoral livestock mobility. He is the author of the L-Range family of models, the DECUMA agent-based model, and many other agent-based models. Randy teaches LIFE 320 Ecology to a large group of students in the fall and to Honor’s students in the spring. In odd-numbered years, he teaches ESS/ANTH 554, Ecological and Social Agent-based Modeling, where students learn to simulate the interactions of individuals with each other and with their environments.